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level: Level 1

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level questions: Level 1

- no new substance is produced - they - there can be Ma change in shape or state.what are signs of a physical change
The object expands, the volume of the object increases. The higher the temp, the more the particles move.What is expansion? What happens in the process?
The object decreases in volume. The lower the temp, the less the particles inside the objects move.What is contraction?
(ask different changes)changes of state diagram
Temp when bubbles of a gas form a liquid and it is said to boilDefine boiling point
a solid - called a solute is dissolved in a liquid - called a solvent to form a solution. e.g. salt in waterdefine mixing
- a new substance is formed - changes are not reversible - change in color, smell gas or see bubbles, can see a new substance called a precipitate - formed in a clear solution, observing that energy is produced or formed as heat or light. - when something changes color it is a chemical changedefine chemical change
- when two solutions are mixed a new solid is produced e.g kidney stones - exothermic - light, energy, heat and sound exit - a chemical change produces energy and is described as exothermic e.g fireworks - endothermic absorb energy from surroundings e.g heat packDefine precipitation
- all substances are made from tiny invisible particles - there are tiny spaces between particles - attracted to each other - always moving or vibrating hotter = more energy an move faster cooler= less energy and move slowerparticle theory
- tightly packed so they have a fixed shape - particles in solids vibrate - strong forces - incompressibleSolids
- relatively - vibrate but can move around - take the shape of a container - incompressible - weaker forcesLiquids
- far apart - vibrate but can move - particles moving quickly - almost no forcesGas
- evaporates easily to from a gas - when lid is taken off particles spread about - eventually particles are evenly spreaddiffusion
- tiny particles - cannot be divided - building blocks of matterAtoms
all are made of one type of atom - unique properties - P table shows all known elements - there are single atoms, molecules and latticeElements
- shiny - solid - conductors - malleablemetal
- Dull - Solid - dont conduct - brittlenon metal
electron - negative charge neutron - no charge proton - positive charge it goes a neutron in the middle then a proton and then the electron cloudsubatomic particle
chemical - C + O2 = CO2 word - carbon + oxygen = carbon dioxideChemical equations and word equations
chemical reaction involves burning with oxygen - sometimes explosion occursCombustion
- two or more atoms joined together - molecular compounds - compound latticesCompounds
- naturally occurring substances - found in rocks and soil - dissolve in water can be found in water bodiesMinerals
- rocks that contain valuable minerals like iron or copperOres
- color test - flame color - Lustre - Streakthe tests
DENSITY IS NOT THE SAME AS WEIGHT - measured in grams per cubic centimeter - Solid - most dense - Liquid - less dense - Gas - least denseDensity
- most dense will sink - least dense will floatfloating and sinking