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level: Level 1

Questions and Answers List

level questions: Level 1

good morningmaidin mhaith
How are you?Cad é mar atá tú?
I am goodTá mé go maith
I am alrightTá mé maith go leor
I am not good / wellNíl mé go maith
pleasele do thoil
thank yougo raibh maith agat
would you like a cup of tea?ar mhaith leat cupán tae?
I would (the positive response to ar mhaith leat? question)ba mhaith
I wouldn't (the positive response to ar mhaith leat? question)níor mhaith
How was work?Cad é mar a bhí an obair?
it was goodbhí sé go maith
it was o.kBhí sé ceart go leor
it was awfulbhí sé uafásach
pass me the / give me thetabhair domh an
what is that?cad é sin?
what is this?Cad é seo?
that is a cupis é sin cupán
this is a platepláta é seo