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level: Practice with Swon

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level questions: Practice with Swon

Pigs brain猪脑
Try this drink喝一下
Whose dog is that?那个狗是谁的
can i have a cold bottle of beer please请问我可以要一瓶冰的啤酒吗
What are we eating today?我们今天吃什么
I like climbing mountains playing football listening to music clubbing playing games and hanging out with friends我喜欢爬山踢足球听音乐了泡吧打游戏和朋友一起约会等
Today is not ok今天不行
What about tomorrow?明天呢
The last one最后一个
The first one第一个
I ate about 6 pieces我吃了大概六块
Room temperature常温的
What colour?颜色
I want the brown one我要棕色的
Which one do you want?你要哪个
I have eaten what about you?我吃了你呢?
He is American what about you?他是美国人你呢
I dont play football what about you?我不会踢足球你呢
I want the white phone我要白色的手机
I don't know him我不认识他
A pair of chopsticks一双筷子
A pair of shoes一双鞋子
A chair一把椅子
An umbrella一把雨伞
A knife一把刀子
A kitchen knife一把操刀
What day of the week are you free?你星期几有空
Do you want western or chinese food?你要吃西餐还是中餐
I want a cup of coffee我要一杯咖啡
I want a bag of eggs我要一袋鸡蛋
How much is a box of pizza?一盒披萨多少钱
I want that one我要那个
Whose spoon is this?这是谁的勺子
This is dylans spoon,what about that?这是dylan的勺子,那个呢
We are eating spanish rice today我们今天吃西班牙饭
Please give me a cup of tea请给我一杯茶
Excuse me please请让一下
Please give me my phone请给我我的手机
Can you give me a cup of tea?能给我一杯茶吗
Wechat or alipay?微信还是支付宝
Shall we walk the dog?我们去遛狗吗
I'm going home to walk the dog我回家遛狗
It's too dark outside外面太黑了
Is alipay ok?支付宝可以吗
This is too expensive这个太贵了
Can you make it a little cheaper?能不能便宜一点儿
How was dinner tonight?今天晚餐好不好吃
About seven大概七点
This is a little expensive这个有一点儿贵
Nanjings summer is too hot南京的夏天太热了
It's a little spicy有一点辣的
Tidy up整理一下
I like spicy food我喜欢吃辣的
I like sweet food我喜欢吃甜的
I think it's a little sweet我觉得有一点儿甜
I've been there我去过
I think March/April or September/October would be good我觉得三四月或者九十月都不错
Whats fun to do in Shanghai?上海有什么好玩的
Shanghai nightlife is good. You can go to the tourist attractions during the day and go to the bars at night. Shanghai has a lot of lively bars上海夜生活不错白天可以去景点玩一玩晚上可以去酒吧上海有很多热闹的酒吧
I'm going to Shanghai. When do you think is the best time to go?我要去上海玩你觉得什么时候去最好
April/May or September/October would be good四五月或者九十月都不错
Have a look看一看
Have a listen听一听
What do you like to do?你平时喜欢做什么
Last time上次
Next time下次
Day and a half一天半
Half an hour半个小时
An hour and a half一个半小时
How many people?多少人
What time is it now?现在几点了
one hour一个小时
It's quarter to three现在是两点三刻
Quarter to three三点差一刻
15 minutes一刻
It's the same是一样的
Last year去年
How much more?多多少
How much less?少多少
How long?多长时间
How long does it take?多久时间
How long have you been here?你来这里多长时间
It takes an hour and a half by train坐火车要一个半小时
I go to Shanghai on Wednesday我星期三去上海
Its not time yet时间还没到
When are you going to Shanghai?你什么时候去上海
I have been in China for one year and four months我来中国一年四个月了
We went to the restaurant for dinner yesterday我们昨天去饭馆吃饭了
Hes going to the restaurant to eat pizza tonight他晚上去饭馆吃披萨