What is the epimysium? | the layer that covers the entire muscle |
What is the perimysium? Endomysium? | the layer that covers the fascicle; layer that covers the muscle fibers |
What muscle is this? Function? | occipitofrontalis (epicranius); draws the scalp posteriorly |
What muscle is this? Function? | orbicularis oculi; closes eyelids |
What muscle is this? Function? | orbicularis oris; superficial portion closes lips/protrudes lips. deep portion presses lips against teeth, important in phonation |
What muscle is this? Function? | zygomaticus; draws upper lip outward, upward, and laterally/ draws angle of mouth laterally and upward |
What muscle is this? Function? | buccinator; compresses the cheeks during the process of mastication |
What muscle is this? Function? | levator labii superioris; raises upper lip and moves it forward |
What muscle is this? Function? | risorius; retracts the angle of the mouth |
What muscle is this? Function? | depressor labii inferioris; draws lower lip inferiorly and laterally |
What muscle is this? Function? | depressor angel oris; draws angle of mouth downward and laterally |
What muscle is this? Function? | mentalis; raises and protrudes the lower lip, wrinkles the skin of the chin |
What muscle is this? Function? | temporalis; elevates and retracts the mandible against the maxilla with great force |
What muscle is this? Function? | medial pterygoid; assists the lateral pterygoid; draws mandible forward |
What muscle is this? Function? | lateral pterygoid; draws mandibular condyle and articular disc forward |
What muscle is this? Function? | masseter; raises mandible against maxillae with great force (closes mouth) |
What muscle is this? Function? | geniohyoid; elevates the hyoid/widens pharynx, depresses the mandible |
What muscle is this? Function? | mylohyoid; raises floor of mouth, elevates the hyoid, depresses the mandible |
What muscle is this? Function? | digastric; depresses mandible, elevates hyoid |
What muscle is this? Function? | omohyoid; depresses hyoid bone |
What muscle is this? Function? | sternohyoid; depresses hyoid and larynx during swallowing and speaking |
What muscle is this this? Function? | sternothryroid; depresses the thyroid cartilage, creates diff. vocal tones |
What muscle is this? Function? | thyrohyoid; elevates thyroid cartilage, depresses hyoid bone (brings the two closer together to make high pitch vocalizations) |
What muscle is this? Function? | genioglossus; depresses and extends the tongue |
What muscle is this? Function? | styloglossus; draws the side of tongue upwards and draws the tongue back |
What muscle is this? Function? | hyoglossus; depresses the tongue |
What type of muscle is pictured? | skeletal muscle; longitudinal |
What type of muscle is pictured? | skeletal muscle; longitudinal |
What type of muscle is pictured? | skeletal muscle; longitudinal |
What type of muscle is pictured? | skeletal muscle; striations |
What type of muscle is pictured? | skeletal muscle; cross section |
What type of muscle is pictured? | skeletal muscle; cross section |
What type of muscle is pictured? | skeletal muscle; cross section |
What type of muscle is pictured? | cardiac muscle |
What type of muscle is pictured? | cardiac muscle; intercalated discs |
What type of muscle is pictured? | smooth muscle; longitudinal and circular |
What type of muscle is pictured? | skeletal muscle; longitudinal and circular layers of smooth muscle |
What type of muscle is pictured? | smooth muscle; gallbladder |
What type of muscle is pictured? | smooth muscle; arrestor pili muscle |
What type of muscle is pictured? | smooth muscle; ciliary body (eye) |
What type of muscle is pictured? | smooth muscle; ciliary body (eye) |
What is this structure? | endomysium |
What is this structure? | perimysium |
What structure is this? | nuclei |
What is this structure? | myofibril |
What structure is this? | A-band (dark) |
What structure is this? | I-band (light) |
What structure is this? | sarcomere |
What structure is this? | t-tubule |
What structure is this? | terminal cisternae |