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level: medical terms

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level questions: medical terms

AlopeciaAbsence of hair where it normally grows
Arrhythmia; DysrrhythmiaAbnormal heart rhythm
AtaxiaLack of coordination
BoundingPulse- strong and forceful pulse
BradycardiaSlow heart rate
CataractsCloudy of the lens leading to decreased vision
ConjunctivaThin delicate mucous membrane lining the eyelid
CryptorchidCondition of one or both testicles is undescended
CyanoticBlue or purple coloration of the skin or MM
DyspneaDifficult or labored breathing
ErythemicWide spread redness of the skin
EtiologyStudy of the cause of disease
Febrile; Hyperthermia; PyrexicHaving Fever
Flehman responseThe nostrils dilate and upper lip curls
GlucosuriaGlucose in the urine
HalitosisBad breath
HemmothoraxBlood in the thorax/ pleural chest cavity space
HyperemicRedness, increase in blood flow to an area
HypertensionIncrease in blood pressure
HypotensionDecrease in blood preassure
HyperthyroidismExcessive hormone secretion from the thyroid gland
HypothyroidismDeficient hormone secretion from the thyroid gland
HypothermiaDecrease in body temperature
HypoxiaDecrease oxygen to tissue
IcterusYellow coloration of PLASMA
JaundiceYellow coloration of the skin & MM
MurmurExtra heart sound
NaresTwo openings of the Nose; Nostrils
Nictitating MembraneThird eyelid
NystagmusRhythmic, rapid, back and forth movement of the eyes
Petechiation; PetechiaSmall, pinpoint hemorrhages
PiloerectionCondition in which the hair stands up
PinnaFlap of the ear
Pleural EffusionEscape of fluid into the pleural cavity
PneumothoraxAir in the pleural cavity
PolydipsicAbnormally great thirst
PolyuricIncrease in the volume of quantity being excreted of urine
PyometraPus in the uterus
SignalmentAge, Sex, breed
StridorStrained shrill heard during inspiration due to an airway abstruction
TachycardiaFast heart rate
TachypneaIncrease respiratory rate
Tapetum LucidumIridescent layer of epithelium in the eye
ThoracocentesisSurgical puncture and drainage of thoracic Cavity
Thready pulseWeak Pulse
Tympanic MembraneEardrums
VasoconstrictionNarrowing of a vessel
VasodilationExpension of a vessel
MiosisContraction of pupil
MydriasisDilation of pupil