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level: Level 1

Questions and Answers List

level questions: Level 1

Informed consent can be defined as:A process involving information sharing and decision making
What is autonomy?Autonomy is the ability of a person to make a choice for themselves
True or false: For many socio-cultural groups in Aotearoa New Zealand collective needs and rights are equal to the needs and rights of the individual.True
True or false: Everyone has a right to make an informed choiceTrue
True or false: Every consumer must prove their competence to make an informed choice and give informed consentFalse
The most commonly accepted definition of competence is provided as a set of four decision making abilities. These are:Understanding, Appreciation, Reasoning and Communicating a choice
True or false: A female of any age has the right under law to consent or refuse to consent to any medical or surgical procedure for the purposes of terminating her pregnancyTrue
Under sections 151 and 160 of the Crimes Act 1961, everyone who has charge of another person by reason of sickness, has a legal duty to provide the necessaries of life to that person. This is referred to as:A duty of care
True or false: In emergency situations if the patient is unable to consent and no-one entitled to consent on their behalf is present, then treatment can proceed without consentTrue
True or false: A competent patient has the right to decline treatment in an emergency unless that decision may result in an avoidable deathFalse
The UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities aims toPromote equal rights for all people with disabilities
Current Mental Health legislation in Aotearoa New Zealand is based on a model ofSubstitute decision making
District Inspectors supportpeople subject to the Mental Health Act
The role of the DAO is toto provide information and assistance about mental health and perform special functions under the Mental Health Act.
Under the Mental Health Act, 1992 mental disorder meanshas symptoms of abnormal mood or thoughts
The full title of the Mental Health Act, 1992 isMental Health (Compulsory Assessment and Treatment) Act
Section 11 of the Mental Health Act, 1292 provides for a period of assessment and treatment for5 days
Section 13 of the Mental Health Act, 1992 allows for a period of assessment and treatments for14 days
Section 29 of the Mental Health Act, 1992 relates totreatment in the community
Section 111 of the Mental Health Act, 1992 allows a RN todetain a person for 6 hours for the purposes of assessment