level: Miscellaneous lesions
Questions and Answers List
level questions: Miscellaneous lesions
Question | Answer |
An ectopic condition of sebacous glands occuring on oral mucosa appearing as pinhead sized papules on buccal mucosa or lips. | Fordyce granules The differential diagnosis is Koplic spots of measels,molluscum contagiosum,lichen nitidus |
An early characteristics of measles presenting as spots that look like a tiny grains of white sand, each surrounded by a red ring on buccal mucosa. | Koplik spots of measles. The differential diagnosis is apthous ulcers,fordyce granules,Parvovirus B19 |
A inflammatory condition that causes a map-like pattern to appear on the tongue. | Geographic tongue The differential diagnosis is psoriasis,oral lichenoid reaction,reiters syndrome. |
A condition exhibiting marked proliferation of filiform papillae and accumulation of keratin resulting in hair like appearance on the dorsal of the tongue. | Hairy tongue The differential diagnosis is candida,leukoplakia |