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level: Level 1

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level questions: Level 1

podocytes occurs inglomerulus of kidney
toxic substances are detoxified in human body inliver
in which of the following minimum content of urea is presentrenal vein
duct of bellini is concerned withconduction of urine
which of the following statements in regard to the excretion by the human kidneys is correctnearly 99 per cent of the glomerular filtrate is reabsorbed by the renal tubules
if henle's loop were absent from mammalian nephron which of the following is to be expectedthe urine is more dilute
which blood vessels in mammals would normally carry the largest amount of ureahepatic vein
in ornithine cycle, enzyme arginase breaks down arginine intoornithine an urea
which part of nephron is not situated in the cortical region of the kidneyloop of henle
which segment of nephron allows passage of small amount of urea into the medullary interstitiumcollecting duct
find out the correct statementa fall in the glomerular blood flow can activate the JG cells to release renin
HCO3- is reabsorbed in which part of nephronPCT and DCT
which substances are reabsorbed actively in nephronglucose, Na+
activates the adrenal cortex to release aldosterone, powerful vasoconstrictorthe are correct about angiotensin-II
which parts of nephron electrolytes are not reabsorbed ?descending limb of henle's loop
in which part of nephron water is not reabsorbed?ascending limb of henle's loop
which of the following is not secreted into the filterate in the PCT by active process?urea
which of the following plays a significant role in producing concentrated urine?henle's loop and vasa recta
if kidneys fail to reabsorb water, the effect on tissue would-shrink and shrivel
urine of a human being suffering from dibetes insipidus is-tasteless and watery
the concentration of filterate in PCT isisotonic to the plasma
which of the following is the correct sequntial pathways of the urine follows through the kidney?renal pyramid--->minor calyx-->major calyx-->renal pelvis--->ureter
the podocytes occur in-inner wall of bowman's capsule
A and B carries the nitrognous waste products in abundanceA- renal artery, B- ureter
renin is released by JG cells in response to a fall in glomerular blood pressure. which of the following is not a function of reninstimulates formation of angiotensin-II in liver
what is true about the counter current system?contributes to concentration of urine in mammalian kidney
maximum absorption of Na+ and K + ion occurs in-PCT
what will happen if stretch receptors of urinanry bladder are desensitized?bladder will inflate and burst up
mass of crystallised salts within the kidneyglomerular nephritis
the ascending limb of loop of henle is impermeable towater
in mammals, which blod vessel would normally carry largest amount of ureahepatic vein
the yellow colour of urine is due tourochrome
effective filteration pressure in the glomerulus of kidney of man is about10 mm Hg
bowman's capsule is not part of the uriniferous tubule. faux au vraivrai
haemodialysis is associated withspleen
ADH acts on thecollecting tubules of kidney
excretory product of spider isguanine
longest loop of henle is found inkangaroo rat
deficiency of vasopressin leads todiabetes insipidus
haematuria isRBC and WBC in blood
the region of the nephron found in the renal medulla ismalphigian corpuscle
what is both an osmoregulator and a nitrogenous wasteurea
a person who is on a long hunger strike and is surviving only on water, will haveless urea in his urine
glomerular hydrostatic pressure is present inglomerulus of uriniferous tubule
glomerular filterate containsblood without cells and protiens
blood leaving liver and moving to heart will have more concentration ofurea
renal corpuscles consists ofbowman's capsule and glomerulus
metanephric kidneys are excretory organs ismammals, reptiles and birds
reabsorption of water in nephrons occurs throughosmosis
part of nephron involved in hormone mediated active reabsorption of sodium isDCT
in urinary system, aldosterone taakes part mainly in the retention ofNa+
which one does not filter out from the blood to the bowman's capsule in glomerular ultrafilterationpolypeptide
malphigian corpuscles are present incortex