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level: Type of Nephrons

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level questions: Type of Nephrons

What are the two types of Nephrons?The two types of nephrons include: 1. the cortical nephrons 2. the juxtamedullary nephrons
What is the percentage of cortical nephrons vs juxtamedullary nephrons in the kidneys?The kidney contains 85% cortical nephrons and 15% juxtamedullary nephrons
What is a special function found in juxtamedullary nephrons?the long loop that enters the medulla contributes to the kidney's ability to concentrate urine
Describe the main differenes between the Cortical and JUxtamedullary nephronThe Juxtamedullary has a longer loop of henry and because of that, its loop of henry is covered by the Vasa Recta which allows gas/ion exchange. Because the cortical nephron is shorter it is covered by peritubular capillaries in the proximal convoluted tubule.
Where can we find a greater salt concentration in the kidney?Salt concentration is greater the deeper you go into the kidney/medulla. The smallest concentration is found within the cortex
What does the high concentration of salt cause?The high concentration of salt causes osmosis, the diffusion of water out the urine to the inside of the medulla.
What is the cell type that is circled in green?cuboidal epithelial cells
What is the cell type that is circled in green?squamous epithelial cells (note we also have columnar cells but they are not here)
The cells found in the proximal and distal convoluted tubules must allow fordiffusion, osmosis, and active transport
What are the 2 capillary beds the nephrons closely associate with- Glomeruli - Peritubular capillaries (in cortical nephrons) or Vasa Recta (in juxtamedullary)
Describe the function of the Glomeruli capillary bedGlomeruli produces filtrate which becomes urine The Glomeruli is fed and drained by the efferent and afferent arterioles The Glomeruli generates 1 Liter of fluid every 8 min (99% of the fluid is reabsorbed in tubules)
Define the function of the Peritubular capillariesare responsible for reabsorption secretes molecules into urine
Peritubular capillaries arise from.....efferent arterioles
Define peritubular capillariesPeritubular capillaries are low pressure porous capillaries
Define the Vasa RectaThe vasa recta are thin walled looping vessels that descend into the medulla
Define the function of the vasa rectathe vasa recta is part of the kidney's urine concentrating mechanism
the vasa recta is a continuation of the.....the vasa recta continues from the efferent arterioles of the juxtamedullary nephrons