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level: Appendicular Skeleton- Upper Thorax

Questions and Answers List

level questions: Appendicular Skeleton- Upper Thorax

What does the appendicular skeleton consits of?- upper limbs - lower limbs - pelvic girdle - pectoral (shoulder) girdle
What does the pectoral girdle consists of?consists of the clavicle and scapula
Name the boneClavicle
Name the boneAcromio-clavicular joint
Name the boneScapula
What is occuring here?The medial portion of the clavicle articulates with the first rib and the manubrium
What is occurring here?the lateral ends of the clavicle join the scapulae
True or False: the scapulae joined each other and the axial skeltonfalse; the scapulae do not join each other nor the axial skeleton
What does the pectoral girdle provide?The pectoral girdle provides attachment for many muscles that move the upper limb
What articulates with the axial skelton?one the clavicle articulates with the axial skeleton
True or false: the axial skeleton moves freelytrue
What is the glenoid cavitythe glenoid cavity describes the socket of the shoulder joint
Why does the glenoid cavity have to be shallow- the structure being shallow is good for flexibility but bad for stability
What are the functions of the Clavicles?the clavicles provide attachment for muscles the clavicles hold the scapulae and arms laterally the clavicles transmit compression forces from the upper limbs to the axial skeleton
Where do the scapule lay in regards to the rib cage?the scapulae lie on the posterior or dorsal surface of the rib cage - located between ribs 2-7
What are the 3 borders found on the Scapulae?- superior - medial (vertebral) - lateral (axillary)
What are the 3 angles of the scapulae?- lateral - superior - inferior
Name the structureLateral Border
Name the structureSuperior Border
Name the structureMedial border
Name the structureInferior angle
Name the structureSuperior angle
Name the structureAcromion
Name the structureGlenoid Cavity
Name the structureCoracoid process
Name the structureSuprascapular notch
Name the structureLateral Border
Name the structureMedial Border
Name the structureSuperior angle
Name the structuressupraspinous fossa infraspinous fossa
Name the structureGlenoid cavity
Name the structureInferior angle
Name the structureCoracoid Process
Name the structureSpine
Name the structureHead of humerus
Name the structureDeltoid tuberosity
Name the structure1. Coronoid fossa 2. Radial fossa
Name the structureTrochlea
Name the structureRadial Groove
Name the structures1. Anatomical neck 2. Surgical neck
Name the structureHead of humerus
Name the structureGreater Tubercle
What makes up the forearm?the forearm is formed from the radius and ulna
What does the forearm articulate with?the proximal end of the forearm articulates with the humerus the distal end of the humerus articulates with the carpals
How do the radius and ulna articulate with each other?the radius and ulna articulate with each other via the proximal and distal radioulnar joints
What membrane is responscible for the interconnection between the radius and ulna?the interosseous membrane interconnects the radius and ulna
Standing in an anatomical position, what are the positios of the ulna and radiusradius is lateral ulna is medial
What is the main bone responcible for forming the elbow joint with the humerus?the ulna
What type of joint allows the forearm to bend on the arm?hinge joint
How is the distal end of the ulna seperated from the carpals?distal end is separated by fibrocartilage
What role does the ulna play in hand movement?the ulna plays little to no role in hand movement
Name the structures1. Trochlear notch 2. Radial notch
Name the structureproximal radioulnar joint
Name the structureInterosseous membrane
Name the structureUlnar notch of the radius
Name the structureDistal radioulnar joint
Name the structureHead of ulna
Name the structureOlecranon
Name the structureUlnar Styloid process
What are the major landmarks of the ulna?- olecranon - Radial notch - Trochlear notch - Coronoid process - ulnar styloid process
Name the structureHumerus
Name the structureCoronoid Fossa
Name the structureTrochlea
Name the structureCoronoid Process of the ulna
Name the structureRadial Notch
Name the structureRadius
Name the structures1. Olecranon 2.Trochlear notch 3. Coronoid Process 4. Radial notch
What does the radius articulate with?the superior surface of the head articulates with the capitulum medially, the head articulates with the radial notch of the ulna the distal radius articulates with the carpal bones
What role does the radius play in hand movement?the radius contributes heavily to the wrist joint - when the radius moves, the hand moves with it.
What are the major landmarks of the radius?- head - neck - radial tuberosity - radial styloid process
Name the structureHead of radius
Name the structureNeck of radius
Name the structureRadial Tuberosity
Name the structureRadius
Name the structureRadial Styloid process