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level: Synovial Joints

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level questions: Synovial Joints

How do synovial joints function?Synovial joints provide lubrication and support - lubrication helps combat friction (overheating) - synovial fluid helps combat the compressive forces - cartilage creates a cushion and a slippery surface
Name the structureArticular cartilage
Name the structureSynovial Membrane
Name the structureJoint Cavity containing Synovial Fluid
Name the structureFibrous Layer of articular capsule
Name the structure and what is surround it?Tendon with a Tendon Sheath
What are the movements allowed by synovial joints?1. Gliding 2. Angular 3. Rotation
Describe the gliding movementgliding movement is when one bone moves across the surface of another
Describe Angular movementAngular movement are movements that change the angle between bones
Describe rotation movementRotation is movement around a bone's long axis
Where does gliding occur?Gliding occurs between: - carpals - articular processes of the vertebrae - Tarsals
What movement is shown here?Gliding
What are examples of angular movement- flexion - extension - abduction - adduction - circumduction
What type of movement is shown here?Angular movement
What type of movement is shown here?Angular movement
What is rotation movement?rotation movement involves turning movement of a bone around its long axis - rotation movement is the only movement allow between the atlas and axis vertebrae
Where does rotation movement occur?occurs at the hip and shoulder joints
What type of movement is shown hereRotation
What are considered special movements?Protraction and retraction Supination and Pronation
What is protractionprotraction are nonangular movements anteriorly
What is retraction?nonangular movement posteriorly
What type of moevement is shown here?Special movements protraction and retraction
What is supinationSupination is when the forearm rotates laterally, palm faces laterally
What is pronation?special movement, forearm rotates medially with palm facing anteriorly
Describe a Hinge Jointa hinge joint occurs when a cylindrical end of one bone fits into a rough trough of another bone
What type of movements does a hinge joint allow?Angular movement movement is uniaxial (around one axis only)
What type of joint is formed at the elbow?Hinge Joint
What type of movement does a pivot joint produce?Rotation allows for uniaxial movement - rotating bone only around its long axis
What are 2 examples of Pivot Joints?1. Proximal radioulnar joint 2. Joint between atlas and axis
Define Ball-and-socket jointsBall and sockets joints are formed when a spherical end of one bone fits into the round socket of another
What type of movement does a ball and socket joint produce>Multiaxial movement
What are 2 examples of a ball and socket joint?1. Shoulders 2. Hip joints
What type of joint can be seen at the shoulder?Ball and socket
What lines articular surfaces?articular surfaces are lined with hyaline cartilage
What do articular surfaces influence?Articular surfaces an determine which movements are possible - only provides stability for the hip joint, elbow joint and ankle
How do ligaments stabilize joints?ligaments depending on their location can prevent excessive motion with the help of capsules too - on the inferior or medial side ligaments prevent excessive abduction - lateral or superiorly located ligaments resist adduction
Describe Muscle tonemuscle tones are tension areas - they help stabilize the joints y keeping tensions on the tendons