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level: Antibactericidal chemotherapy

Questions and Answers List

level questions: Antibactericidal chemotherapy

PenicllinsFirst choice of drug for bone and joint infections, given IM or IV
Cephalosporins-Similar pharmacology to penicillin
How have bacteria adapted agaisnt such antibioticsBeta lactomases- nearly all gram negative bacteria, production of membrane permebilility
How do tetracylins workBlock T-rna binding to the ribosomal unit
What can tetracyclines cause in teethTetracycline staining or dental hypoplasia
How do aminoglycocides workAttach to mRNA during translation chanigng anticodon recognition therefore non functional protein produced
How does erythromyocin workPrevents tRNA molecucle moving from the A side to the T side of the ribosome
When is erthromyocin normally givenWhen patient has a sensitivity to penicillin
Clindamycin is a broad spectrum antibiotic given in caution why?Can clear the large intestine of its natural bacteria which can allow clostridium difficile to grow and cause severe problems
Metronidazol 3 featuresCytotoxic products destroy cells, is effective against anaerobes and protozoa but has side effects of nausea and metallic taste. Also has disulfram- like reaction with alchohol
When should antibiotics be givenPersistent advanced infections, complex gum or implant work, patients with weak immune system and prevention of endocarditiis
What is granulomatosis with polyangitisNose and paranasal sinuses inflammation and bleeding- thought to be an autoimmune disease
What is rhinohhorea'Runny nose'
What is haemoptysisCoughing up blood
What is epstein barr syndromeMono" causes glandular fever