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level: Gas Transport

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level questions: Gas Transport

How is oxygen transported within gas transport circulation?Haemoglobin molecules carry oxygen in the blood, with approx. 97% of oxygen in the blood bound to Hb. Haemoglobin contain 4 protein chains (2 alpha, 2 beta) each containing a haem group and iron atom.
Outline the transport of oxygen within circulationCO2 in its dissolved state (5-10%) – CO2is 20 times as soluble as O2 Transported as a bicarbonate ion (HCO3-) [70%] – CO2+H20 àCarbonic Acid (H2CO3) àH++ HCO3- As Carbaminohaemoglobin (CO2Hb) [20-25%] – in combination with haemoglobin
What factors influence carbon dioxide dissociation?Bohr effect shows that when PCO2 is highest, O2 dissociation from Hb (offloading) increases. The Haldane effect states that greater binding of O2 with Hb, increases the release of CO2.
What factors influence oxygen dissociation?Increased H+, CO2 and temperature increase the tendency of haemoglobin to offload oxygen. Bohr Effect - the effect of CO2 and H+ Promotes O2 offloading in the peripheral tissues (where PO2 is high) Promotes 02 loading in the lungs (where PCO2 is low)