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level: Level 1

Questions and Answers List

level questions: Level 1

what is diffusionDiffusion is the movement of a substance from an area of high concentration to an area of low concentration.
is the movement of particles in diffusion randomyes
what is an example of diffusionosmosis
why can insects walk on waterit has a high surface tension
what are the three states of mattersolid,liquid,gas
what are the particles like in a solidthey slightly vibrate in a fixed position and form an regular pattern but they cant move from place to place
what can't solids dobe poured or compressed
what are the particles like in a liquidparticles still touch their neighbors but they move around, sliding over each other randomly
what can't a liquid dobe compressed but it can be poured
what are the particles like in a gasthey can move quickly in all directions widely-spaced particles move around randomly and fill any given space
what force attracts particles togetherbonds
why cant solids be compressedthe particles are too close together and have no space to move into
The bonds in a liquid are strong enough to keep the particles ----close together
The bonds in a liquid are weak enough to let the particles ----move around each other
why can't liquids be compressedbecause the particles are close together and have no space to move into
what is the equation for neutralizationacid+alkaline=neutral substance + salt
what is an example of a neutral substancewater
what do all acids containhydrogen
when using the equation for neutralization to make the salt the ----- goes first then the -----alkali acid
turn nitric acid into a saltnitrate
turn hydrochloric acid into a saltchloride
turn sulfuric acid into saltsulfate
what is the PH scaleIt is an universal indicator which shows how acidic or alkaline a substance is by using colours
on the ph scale what are the main acidic numbers0-6
on the ph scale what number is neutral7
on the ph scale what are the main alkaline numbers8-14
how can you tell if a substance is acidic or alkalineuniversal indicator, red cabbage or litmus paper
what is the particle modela scientific theory that explains the properties of solids, liquids and gases by suggesting that all matter is made of particles, and that those particles behave differently in solids, liquids and gases
are particles the same shapeno some can be long chains of atoms
different shaped particles can fit together in different ways which can change the properties of solids and liquids such as the strength or viscosity true or falsetrue
If particles collide with enough kinetic energy it can break the chemical bonds holding the atoms to each other in a molecule true or falsetrue
what happens to particles when the temperature increasesthey gain more kinetic energy
what happens to the particles when the pressure is increasedthey collide more often increasing the risk of the chemical bonds breaking and arranging into new compounds
when drawing atoms what is the maximum the first shell can have2 electrons
when drawing atoms what is the maximum the rest of the shells can havethe electrons can be drawn like this 2,8,8,2 8 electrons
on the periodic table what do the groups down and the periods showhow many electrons on the outer shell and number of electron shells
what does the number on the top and bottom of the element showtop= number of protons and neutrons bottom= number of protons
number of --------= number of electronsprotons
lookdid u look
what is combustionit means burning
what is a combustion reactionin a combustion reaction a substance reacts with the oxygen and transfers energy from the surroundings as light and heat
what is a name for the oxygen compoundoxides
when does combustion happenat high temperatures
why do you see a flame when things burnenergy is transferred as light and heat
what is methanecarbon and hydrogen atoms
what happens when methane reactshot blue or orange flame
what is the equation for methane combustionmethane + oxygen = carbon +water
what is in every combustion reationoxygen
what is a compounda compound is a substance that contains atoms of two or more different elements
what is the plural version or formulaformulae