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level questions: Level 1

Microorganismstiny (usually microscopic) entities capable of carrying on living process.
infection prevention & controlpolicies to minimize spread of heath care associated/community acquired infections.
medical asepsistechniques that prevent growth & transmission of pathogenic organisms.
clean techniquemedical asepsis
surgical asepsistechniques that destroy all microorganisms and spores.
sterile techniquesurgical asepsis
disinfectionuse of chemicals that can be applied to stuff to destroy microorganisms.
antisepticprevent growth and reproduction of microorganisms, can be used on humans.
sporea round body formed by bacteria. forms as big as bacteria cell then takes that cell over.
reservoirnatural habitat of any microorganism that promotes growth &reproduction.
carrier/vectorperson/animal that doesn't become ill but carries and spreads an organism, causing disease in others.
contaminated vehiclehow microorganisms are carried & transported to next host, once left the reservoir.
contaminationcondition of being soiled, stained, touched/exposed by harmful agents. makes an object potentially unsafe for use.
fomitea vehicle that is an inanimate (nonliving) object.
hostorganism where another organism is nourished and harbored.
healthcare associated infection(nosocomial infections) infections patients get while at a health care facility.
virulentexceedingly pathogenic
exogenousgrowing outside the body
endogenousgrowing inside the body
Centers for Disease Control Prevention (CDC) studiesUS Dept. of Health & Human Services provide facilities for investigation, prevention, and control of disease.
standard precautions when someone is infectedaccurate identification of all patients involved, "universal precautions" & "body substance isolation"
standard precautionshand hygiene, gloves, masks, eye protection & gowns.
isolation transmission categoriesairborne, droplet, contact
sterilizationmethods used to kill all microorganisms, including spores.
asepsisabsence of pathogenic organisms
pathogenicof a bacterium, virus, or other microorganism causing disease
nonpathogenic microorganismsharmless (do not produce disease)
pathogenic microorganismscause disease/infection
infection chain of eventsINFECTIOUS AGENTS (microorganisms) > RESIRVIOR (infected individual) > EXIT ROUTE (blood, secretion, urine) > METHOD OF TRANSMISSION (hands, food, air, needle) > ENTRANCE (mouth, cut) > HOST (person) >
virussmallest known agents that cause disease (DNA/RNA)
fungimost plentiful forms of life. most common disease found in humans. (some harmless) most frequently involve skin, hair and nails.
protozoasingle celled animals existing everywhere in nature, responsible for malaria, ambeic dysentery, and African sleeping sickness.
measures to reduce reservoirs of infectioinbathing, dressing changes, discard of contaminated needles, beside kept clean and dry, bottled solutions stored properly, surgical wounds maintained, drainage bottles and bags disposed of.
localized infectious process(symptoms such as pain/tenderness) infection in one spot of the body. proper care helps control and maintain spread, minimize illness.
systemic infectious processaffects the entire body, potential to be fatal. use antibiotics, antivirals, antifungals. minimize spread.
stages of infectious processincubation, prodromal, acute, convalescence
inflammatory responseneutralizes & eliminates pathogens, body's way of repairing calls & tissues.
signs of inlammationredness, pain, swelling, heat, loss of function.
viruses are not killed by whatantibiotics
infection control nurseeducate patients about infection and techniques to control the spread.
occupational health servicestake control of the infection and measures to protect health care worker, such as Hep B vaccine availability,
most common type of HAIMRSA (staphylococcus aureus)
how do you get Rocky Mountain Spotted fever?wood tick
staticthat which cannot move or grow
portal of exitmicroorganism needs a portal of exit to escape from the reservoir
portal of entranceonce a microorganism has left the reservoir it needs a portal of entrance to enter the new host