amant | they love |
est | he, she, it is |
habet | he, she, it has, holds |
laudant | they praise |
sunt | they are |
vident | they see |
videt | he sees |
agricola, -ae | farmer |
incola, -ae | inhabitant |
īnsula, -ae | island |
puella, -ae | girl |
silva, -ae | forest |
terra, -ae | land, earth |
vīta, -ae | life |
bonus, bona, bonum | (adjective) – good |
magnus, magna. magnum | (adjective) – large, great |
multae | (adjective) – many |
parvus. parva, parvum | (adjective) – small |
perīculōsus, pericolusa, periculosum | (adjective) – dangerous |
et | (conjunction) – and |
nōn | (adverb) – not |
quod | (conjunction) – because |
quoque | (adverb) – also, too |
saepe | (adverb) – often |
sed | (conjunction) – but |
ambulō, ambulāre | to walk |
amō, amāre | to love |
exspectō, exspectāre | to wait for |
habitō, habitāre | to dwell, to live in/on |
laudō, laudāre | to praise |
narrō, narrāre | to tell, relate |
portō, portāre | to carry |
scribo, scribere, scripsi, scripsus | to write |
spectō, spectāre | to look at, to watch |
sum, esse, fui, futurus | to be |
epistula, -ae | letter |
fābula, -ae | story |
fīlia, -ae | daughter |
nauta, -ae | sailor |
pecūnia, -ae | money |
longus, longa, longum | (adj.) – long |
multa | (adj.) – much |
bene | well |
cūr | (adv.) – why? |
clāmō, clāmāre | to shout |
dō, dare. dedi, datum | to give |
labōrō, labōrāre | to work |
mōnstrō, mōnstrāre | to show |
necō, necāre | to kill |
occupō, occupāre | to seize, to capture |
pugnō, pugnāre | to fight |
servō, servāre | to save, to preserve |
superō, superāre | to defeat, to conquer |
vocō, vocāre | to call, to summon |
fēmina, -ae | woman |
mihi | (pronoun, Dative) – to me, for me |
gratus, grata, gratum | (adj. + Dative) – pleasing (to) |
propinquus, propinqua, propinquum | (adj. + Dative) – near (to), nearby |
pulcher, pulchra, pulchrum | (adj.) – beautiful, handsome |
hodiē | (adv.) – today |
ibi | (adv.) – there, in that place |
nunc | (adv.) – now |
dēsīderō, dēsīderāre | to desire, to wish |
habeō, habere | to have |
timeo, timere | to fear |
aqua, -ae | water |
dea, -ae | goddess |
flamma -ae | flame |
ōra, -ae | shore, coast |
ā, ab | (prep. + Ablative) – from, away from |
cum | (prep. + Ablative) – with |
ē, ex | (prep. + Ablative) – from, out from, out of |
in | (prep. + Ablative) – in, on; (+ Accusative) – into, onto |
itaque | (conj.) – and so, therefore |
ōrō, ōrāre | to pray, to beg, to ask for |
stō, stāre | to stand |
lūna, -ae | moon |
clāra | (adj.) – bright, famous |
īrāta | (adj.) – angry |
celeriter | (adv.) – quickly |
hīc | (adv.) – here, in this place |
iterum | (adv.) – again, a second time |
mox | (adv.) – soon |
noctū | (adv.) – at night |
ubi | (conj.) – where; when (+ perf. indic.) |