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level: MISC

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level questions: MISC

5 KingdomsPlantae, Protista, Prokaryote, Animalia, Fungi
Objective lenses4x, 10x, 40x/45x, 100x
Cellular Immunity1. Eliminates intracellular organisms 2. Eliminates abnormal cells/tissues 3. Hypersensitivity reactions
Pathogenic Properties2 basic mechanisms 1. Tissue invasion 2. Toxin Production
Host resistance types1. Skin 2. Normal flora 3. Inflammation/ Phagocytes 4. Mucous membranes 5. Immune response 6. Natural resistance
Humoral ImmunityAntibodies bond to antigens, B lymphocytes remember antigens, and help disease from occuring
Pathogens: Disease producing micro organisms1. Opportunistic Pathogen 2. Obligate Pathogen
Opportunistic PathogenDoesn't cause disease but can with opportunity 1.Unusal location 2. Compromised Host