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level: Reproduction and Inheritance

Questions and Answers List

level questions: Reproduction and Inheritance

what are gametes?reproductive cells of an organism
two types of mammalian gametesegg cell sperm cell
features of egg cellzona pellucida haploid nucleus cortical granules follicle cells
zona pellucidaprotective outer layer of the egg that sperm need to penetrate in order for fertilisation to occur main purpose is to prevent polyspermy
haploid nucleuscontains half the set of chromosomes
cortical granulescontains enzymes which are released when a sperm and egg nuclei fuse to prevent polyspermy enzymes harden the zona pellucida
follicle cellsforms a protective coat around the egg
features of spermflagellum acrosome mitochondria haploid nucleus
flagellumallows the sperm to move and swim to the egg
acrosomecontains digestive enzymes the enzymes are released to digest the zona pellucida
mitochondriaprovides energy to the flagellum so that the sperm can swim to the egg
outline the process of fertilisationsperm swims to the egg acrosome reaction - sperm membrane and acrosome membrane fuse, digestive enzymes released enzymes digest and break down the zona pellucida sperm and egg membrane fuses sperm releases it nucleus and both nuclei fuse together making diploid nucleus chemical signals from the egg trigger the cortical reaction cortical granules release their enzymes by exocytosis the enzymes harden the zona pellucida preventing polyspermy
what is a locus?the location of genes on a chromosome
how can genes be linked?must be on the same chromosome small distance between loci therefore less likely to be split up due to crossing over and independent assortment
two types of cell divisionmitosis meiosis
meiosiscell cycle that only occurs in gametes produces four genetically different haploid daughter cells
how does meiosis achieve genetic variation?independent assortment crossing over
how does independent assortment help achieve genetic variation?each gamete has one of many different combinations of chromosomes
what is crossing over?the exchange of sections of DNA between homologous chromosomes
how does crossing over help achieve genetic variation?results in recombination of genes increasing genetic variation
cell division cyclehas 3 stages: mitosis, cytokinesis and interphase occurs in all cells except the gametes produces 2 genetically identical diploid daughter cells important for growth, repair and asexual reproduction
stages of mitosisprophase metaphase anaphase telophase
prophasefirst stage of mitosis nuclear membrane condenses and chromosomes are exposed
metaphasesecond stage of mitosis chromosomes line up at the centre of the cell
anaphasethird stage of mitosis spindle fibres pull apart the sister chromatids to opposite ends of the cell
telophaselast stage of mitosis nuclear membrane forms around chromosomes
root tip squash experimentleave root tip in HCL to break up tissues and separate the cells so mitosis can be observed stain cells with toluidine blue to see mitosis occur better observe mitosis through microscope calculate mitotic index by counting the no. of cells undergoing mitosis dividing by the total number of cells present
homologous chromosomeschromosomes that are similar but not identical
sister chromatidschromosomes that are identical