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level: Group 3

Questions and Answers List

level questions: Group 3

BizarreStrange or unusual
UrbaneCourteous or refined in manner
Coarsenessquality of being harsh
EccentricityUnconventional and slightly strange
Noveltyquality of being new, original, or unusual
ApathyLack of interest
IndecorousNot in keeping with good taste, improper, undignified
Fortuitoushappening by chance, coincidence
Polemicverbal or written attack
DogmaticInclined to lay down principles as undeniably true
AltruismSelfless concern for the well being of others
Ficklechanging frequently, especially loyalty and affection
SpeciousSuperficially plausible, but actually wrong
Concedeadmit or agree, surrender
ElusiveDifficult to find, catch or achieve
Suffrageright to vote in public elections
ScornfulFeeling or expressing contempt
Contempta feeling that a person or a thing is worthless
Seldomrarely, not often
Sinistergiving the impression that something harmful will happen or happening
WooSeek the favour, support, Try to gain love
Martineta person who demands complete obedience, strict disciplinarian
Tyrantcruel and oppresive ruler
AcolyteA person assisting a priest in a religious service
Sporadicoccurring at irregular intervals or in few places; scattered
Skepticalnot easily convinced, having doubts
Irksomeirritating or annoying
PredilectionSpecial liking for something; a bias in favour for something
Morbidcharacterized by an abnormal interest in unpleasant subjects, especially death and disease; indicative of disease
Exploitmake full use of and derive benefit from; make use in a way considered unfair