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pharma 11
Chapter 1
Level 1
level: Level 1
Questions and Answers List
level questions: Level 1
“Doctrine of Signature” a belief that God had placed the sign of healing subs. Indicating their usage against disease
Experimenter in Drug Compounding Practice and taught both Pharmacy and Medicine in Rome Originator of the formula for a “cold cream”
the “Persian Galen”
Patron Saints for Pharmacy and Medicine Twinship of the health Profession
Damian and Cosmas
Profession which is concerned with the art and science of preparing drugs either from natural or synthetic sources in a suitable and convenient dosage form for administration of treatment, and prevention of diseases both of man and animals
Pharmacy greek word
“pharmakon”= medicine/ drug
person considered as expert on drugs
formulation of a medication to fit a unique need of a patient that cannot be met with commercially available products
involves taking direct responsibility for patients and their disease states, medications, and the management of each in order to improve the outcome for individual patient.
Pharmaceutical care
are often the first point-of-contact for patients with health inquiries.
relied on spells and magical stones far more than plant materials
Asipu (magical healer )
drew upon large collection of drugs and manipulated them into several dosage forms that are still basic today, such as suppositories, pills, washes, enemas and ointments.
asu ( empirical healer )
provides that earliest known record of practice of the art of “apothecary” ( drugstore)
Mesopotamia “cradle of civilization "
Medical texts was written on _____ and recorded first the symptoms of illness, the prescription and directions for compounding and invocation of goals .
clay tablets
In Greeks: Drug or Pharmakon means
Magic Spell, remedy or Poison
“ Father of Medicine” -medicine moved from magical to rational
according to Edward Kremers and Glenn Sonnedecker, “ before, during and after the time of Hippocrates, there was a group of experts in medicinal plants called ______
He is an important representative of rhizotomoi and considered to be the source for all Greek pharmacotherapeutic treatises between the time of Theophratus and Dioscorides.
Diocles of Carystus
a greek physician and famous for writing a five volume book in his native Greek in 1st century AD.
Pedanios Dioscorides
Latin translation, used as a basis for many medieval texts, and was built upon by many middle eastern scientist during the Islamic Golden Age.
De Materia Medica
At the touch of his hand or staff or the tongue of his sacred serpent gradually emerged as the official symbol of medicine around the world.
an insignia used by the medical profession; modeled with two entwined snakes and two wings at the top:
daughter of Asclepius, her arm entwined by a serpent and holding a bowl, now thought to have contained a healing potion.
In modern times, her bowl entwined by a serpent gradually emerged as official symbol of pharmacy popularly called as the
Bowl of Hygeia
An early “Tradedmarked” drug as a means of identification of source and of gaining of customer’s confidence.
Terra Sigillata (Sealed Earth)
“Father of Chinese medicine "
Sheng Nung
the first book in Chinese medicine wrote by Sheng Nung which consist nearly of 365 herbal drugs.
Pen T-Sao (Chinese Materia Medica)
Emperor who sought out and investigated the medicinal value of several hundred herbs. Medicinal herbs included podophyllum, rhubarb, ginseng, cinnamon bark, etc.
Sheng Nung
Pharmacy was conducted in ancient Egypt by gatherers and preparers of drugs, and head pharmacists who were called
“Chiefs of Fabrication”
isthe best known and most important pharmaceutical record. Oldest well preserved medical document. A collection of 800 prescriptions mentioning 700 drugs.
Papyrus Ebers
similar to dispensatories
more modest formularies
The Arabs separated the arts of apothecary and physician, establishing in ______ late in the 8th century the 1st privately owned drug stores
lay practice of pharmacy had developed sufficiently to justify legislation.
13th century
“Magna Carta of Pharmacy”
Emperor Frederick II of Germany
The First Official Pharmacopoeia originally written in Italian.Published and became the legal standard for the city-state in1498 and followed by all apothecaries
Nuovo Receptario
First organization of pharmacists in the Anglo-Saxon world.
The Society of Apothecaries in London
philosopher-politician) formed a separate company known as “Master, Wardens of Society of the Art and Mystery of the Apothecaries of the City of London”
Francis Bacon
Young Parisian apothecary. He built New France’s first settlement, the Habitation, at Port Royal (Nova Scotia, Canada) He looked after the health of the pioneers, cultivated native drug plants, and supervised the gardens.
Louis Hebert
Establish apothecary in Philadelphia in 1729. For 96 years, became a leading retail store, nucleus of large-scale chemical manufacturing, a “practical” training school for pharmacists. known as “The Fighting Quaker”
Christopher Marshall
First Hospital in Colonial America(Pennsylvania) established in
First Hospital Pharmacy began in
1st hospital pharmacist
Jonathan Roberts
whose practice as a hosp. pharmacist influenced changes to become of importance to the development of professional pharmacy in North America.
John Morgan (1755-56)
"Father of Modern Plant Chemistry" Discovered oxygen, chlorine, prussic acid, tartaric acid, tungsten, molybdenum, glycerin, nitroglycerin and countless other organic compounds that enter into today’s daily life, industry, health and comfort.
Carl Wilhelm Scheele
First man to hold the rank of a commissioned pharmaceutical officer in an American army. His duties included procurement, storage, manufacture and distribution of the Army’s drug requirements.
Andrew Craigie
how many pharmacists signed the Constitution of the first pharmaceutical association on the US.
First U.S. industry in medicinal herbs was carried by United Society of Believers, known as
1st President of American Pharmaceutical Association
Daniel B. Smith
1st Secretary of American Pharmaceutical Association
William Procter Jr.
These 2 group met for the first time at the Second International Congress of Pharmacy in Paris, France in 1867.
European and American Pharmacy meet
Father of American Pharmacy .Graduated from the Philadelphia College of Pharmacy in 1837
William Procter Jr.
"Father of Botany" His observations and peculiarities of herbs are usually accurate, even in the light of present knowledge
He contributed highly to such a transition in Pharmacy He observed, recorded, and spread the excellent rules for collection of drugs, their storage and use.
Pedanios Dioscorides
Make the “Art of Poisoning”, but also the art of preventing and counteracting poisoning. He used himself as well as his prisoners as “guinea pigs” on which poisons and antidotes are tested.
Mithridates VI
German Apothecary Discovered “morphine”- opium’s chief narcotic principle “alkaloids”
Friedrich Wilhem Adam Sertuner
French pharmacists Isolated “emetine” from Ipecacuanha in 1817 announced the methods of separation of quinine and cinchonine from cinchona barks
Pierre Joseph Pelletier and Joseph-Bienairne Caventou
French retail Pharmacist invented Medicine dropper
Stanislas Limousin (1831-1887)
announced the effectives of diphtheria antitoxin. U.S. Biological License No.1 1955: Poliomyelitis vaccine
Emil Von Boehring and Emil Roux
pioneer in producing the vaccine
Park, Davis & Company
French pharmacist. Headed for 30 years chemical lab in the world – Renowned Institute Pasteur, in Paris. Broke the German secret of a specific for sleeping sickness
Ernest Francois Auguste Fourneau (1872-1949)
Antibiotics was first observed by _____ in1877
“Father of Philippine Pharmacy”
Don Leon Ma. Guerrero
First drugstore in the Philippines
Botica Boie
who founded the first drugstore in the Philippines
Dr. Lorenzo Negrao