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level: Level 1

Questions and Answers List

level questions: Level 1

Map - Bridge - IntegrateMBI modellen (Culture)
Basic assumptions - Values - Surface manifistationsschein three levels of organizational culture
philosophy of organization founderOrganizational culture
Performance proficiencyOrganizational socialization
centralization and formalizationHandy's culture typology
Social, power, uncertainty, goal, timeHoffstede's five dimensions of national culture
Introvert/extrovert, sesning/intuition, thinking/feeling, judgeing/perceivingMBTI
trait 1 giver anledning til trait 3 og 5, og dermed type x...x og y teori
social awareness: Primal empathy attunement social cognition social facility: synchrony self-preservation concernsocial intelligence
high context: establish relationship first slow and ritualistic low context: get down to business fast and efficientHigh context / low context
(abdc) acquire bond comprehend defendNohria
biological safety affiliation esteem to have and to understand aesthetics transcendence freedom of inquiry and expression and self actualizationMaslow
kommer indfra, f.eks. følelserIntrinsic rewards
kommer fra andre, som lønforhejelse, forfremmelse, ros osv.extrinsic rewards
give mere ansvar for at motiverevertical loading
Skulle teste effekten på længden af pauser, endte med at give svar på noget andet: det at blive observeret under et forsøg, og sat i en speciel gruppe, øgede produktivitetenHawthorne studies
Immature group Fractional group Sharing group Effective group Disbanding groupStages of group development
Forming Storming Norming Performing AdjourningStages of group development 2
Star Isolate Neglectee Rejectee Mutual pairHvem taler med hvem
Action roles: Shaper, Implementer, Completer Social rules: coordinator, Teamworker, resource immobiliser Thinking rules: Plant, moniter, specialistBelbins 9 rolle modeller
Group norms: i en gruppe med tvivl og usikkerhed, vil en persons synspunkt skifte og komme tættere på group normsSherif study
svare forkert med viljeAsch conformity study
Action team Advice team Project team Production teamTypes of teams
korte, repetetive arbejds cykluser, detailjeret, og beskrevet. Effektivitet forudsigelse kontrolScientific management
som scientific management, bare i større skala: masse produktionFordism
wide: samme typer opgaver, standardiseret, mindre planlægning narrow: det modsattespan of control