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level: Group 1

Questions and Answers List

level questions: Group 1

PresumptuousFailing to observe the limit of what is permitted and what not
ProbityQuality of having strong moral principles, decency and honesty
FurloughLeave of absence, temporary leave
ProliferateIncrease rapidly in number
SpuriousNot being what it appears to be; false or fake
SubjectiveBased on or influenced by the feelings, taste or opinions
SubvertUndermine the power or authority, destabilize
TimorousShowing or suffering from nervousness or lack of confidence
TortuousLengthy and complex; full of twists and turns
TractableEasy to control or influence; easy to deal with
AnnulledDeclare invalid
CatharticProviding physiological relief through the open expression of strong emotions
TransientLasting only for a short time, impermanent; working in a place for short time
SuceptibleLikely or liable to be influenced or harmed by, capable or admitting of
VenalShowing or motivated to corrupt
VenerateRegard with great respect, revere
Accedeaccept, assume position or office
Appeasepacify or placate by acceding the demands; assuage or satisfy
ArbitraryRandom choice, Unrestrained or autocratic in use of authority
AutocraticTaking no account of people's wishes, domineering
ArchaicVery old or old fashioned
ClamorousMaking a loud and confused noise especially people shouting
DearthA scarcity or lack of something
ExplicableUnderstandable; able to be understood
HyperboleExaggerated statements that are not meant to be taken literally
ImmutableUnchanging, Not able to be changed
IndefatigablePersisting tirelessly
ExertionPhysical or mental effort
IndolentWanting to avoid activity or exertion, lazy
InsularIgnorant or uninterested in cultures, ideas or people outside one's own experience; relating to island(of a land)