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level: 5.5 Antibodies

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level questions: 5.5 Antibodies

Antibodies structure- Proteins synthesised by B cells - Heavy and light chains - Variable + constant regions - Made up of 4 polypeptide chains
Variable region- The binding site is different on different antibodies
Constant region- The rest of the antibody
Antigen-Antibody Complex- Formed when antigens bind to a specific site on antibody
Complementary Shape- Antigens have a specific shape that fits/binds into specific site
Function of antibody- Do not destroy antigen - Prepares antigen for destruction
How antibody leads to the destruction of antigen e.g. bacteria- Agglutination, clumps bacteria cells - Making it easier for phagocytes to locate them - They serve as markers that stimulate phagocytes to engulf bacterial cells to which they are attached
Agglutination- Clumping pathogens together
Antitoxins- Neutralises toxins
Lysis- Digests the membrane, killing pathogen
Opsonisation- Coating pathogen in protein to identify them as foreign
Monoclonal Antibodies- Isolation and cloning of a single type of antibody - Formed by the fusion of a B cell with a tumour cell
Targeting medication to specific cell types by attaching therapeutic drug to antibody- Monoclonal antibodies specific to antigen cancer cells - Antibodies are given to a patient - Attach to surface of cancer cells - Blocks the chemical signals that stimulate their uncontrollable growth
Medical diagnosis- Monoclonal antibodies used for diagnosis of influenza, hepatitis and chlamydia - Certain cancers like prostate cancer
Pregnancy testing- Placenta produces a hormone called hCG - Found in mothers urine - Monoclonal antibodies present on test strip - hCG binds to antibodies - hCG-antibody-complex moves along strip - Until trapped by different type of antibody creating coloured line
Ethical use of monoclonal antibodies- Involves inducing cancer in mice - Some deaths associated with use - Testing for safety of new drugs is dangerous e.g. organ failure