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level: 6.2 Gas exchange in single-celled organisms and insects

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level questions: 6.2 Gas exchange in single-celled organisms and insects

Adaptations for gas exchange- Large surface area - Thin - shorter diffusion path - Maintaining steep concentration gradient
How single-celled organisms exchange gases across their body surface- Absorb + release gases by diffusion through outer surface - Relatively LSA, thin surface - Oxygen can take part in biochemical reactions as soon as it diffuses into cell - So there's no need for a gas exchange system
Gas exchange in insects- Have internal network of tubes, tracheae - Supported by strengthened rings, prevents from collapsing - Divides into smaller tubes called tracheoles
Tracheoles- In all tissues of insect - Oxygen diffuses directly into tissues, as it has shorter diffusion path
Using tracheae in gas exchange in insects- Air moves into tracheae through pores,spiracles - Oxygen travels down concen. gradi. into cells - Insects circulatory system doesn't transport O2 - CO2, from cells, diffuses down concen.grad. to spiracles, to be released - Insects use rhythmic abdominal movements