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level: Group 5

Questions and Answers List

level questions: Group 5

SubstantiateProvide evidence to prove the truth
RetiringShy, to go on or off from a place
DistendSwell, bulge, cause to swell
RavageCause severe or extensive damage to
SophistryThe use of clever but false arguments in order to deceive
GaucheUnsophisticated or awkward, gawky
DeprecateExpress dissapproval
AffrontAn action that cause outrage or offence, insult
OminousGetting an impression of something bad is going to happen
DetenteThe easing of hostility
OutlandishLooking or sounding bizarre
ImbroglioPredicament, embarrassing situation
NimbleQuick and light in movement
PrurientHaving or showing interest in sexual matters of others
BawdyDealing with sexual matters in a comical way
CroonHum, sing or talk in a low soft voice
AspersionDefamation, an attack on the reputation of someone
NadirThe lowest or most unsuccessful position
DowdyUnfashionable or unstylish in appearance
EchelonA level or rank in an organization
DeposeRemove from office suddenly or forcefully
ApogeeA highest point in a development, climax
EnnuiBoredom, dissatisfaction, lack of excitement
Convictiona firmly held belief, a quality of showing that one is convinced, someone is guilty of something offence
ConflagrationAn extensive fire which destroys great land or property
ChagrinAnnoyance or distress at having failed
ContretempsA minor dispute or disagreement
CommiserateExpress or feel sympathy
ZenithThe time at which something is powerful
FulcrumA thing that plays a central role in something, a support at which the lever turns