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level: Level 1

Questions and Answers List

level questions: Level 1

BACKPACKIt's a frame backpack with a belt and padded shoulder straps.
CAMERAI forgot to take my camera with me to Portugal, so I couldn't take any photos.
CAPDavis has 17 Scottish caps (= has played for Scotland 17 times).
FLIP FLOPSa pair of flip flops
HATHang your coat and hat on the rack over there.
PYJAMASI need a new pair of pyjamas.
SANDCASTLEThe beach was covered with hundreds of sandcastles, but only 11 had clues just below the sandcastle.
SHORTSShe put on a pair of shorts and a T-shirt.
SUITCASESHave you packed/unpacked your suitcases yet?
SUNBEDShe said she had seen sunbeds, chairs and tables washed away by the waves, but had been shielded from the main force of the water.’
SUNCREAMIt's important to wear sun cream when you go to the beach.
SUNGLASSES‘Please put on your sunglasses to avoid the glare.’
SUNSHADEthey used umbrellas as shades"; "as the sun moved he readjusted the shade"
TENTOutside the tent I could hear the constant drone of insects.
TOURA bus took us on a sightseeing tour of the city.
TOWELSPlease remember to bring a mat and a towels with you to the next aerobics class.
TRAINERSHe wears his trainers out!"
VIEWThe view from the top of the mountain is spectacular.