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level: Managerial Economics PRE-MASTER NNBS 2

Questions and Answers List

level questions: Managerial Economics PRE-MASTER NNBS 2

marginal analysismarginal costs and benefits that are associated with making a decision
consumer choiceeconomic framework of individual choice (utility function, indifference curves, budget line)
opportunity costthe opportunity costs of using a resource for a given purpose is its value in its best alternative use. the opportunity cost of using four hours to play golf is the value of using the four hours in Larry's next best alternative use.
utility functionfunction expresses the relation between total utility and the level of goods consumed
indifference curvepreferences implied by the utility function can be illustrated graphically through indifference curves. pictures all combinations of goods that yield the same utility.
budget linethe feasible combinations of (food and clothing) that are attainable given the person's income.
managerial implicationsthis analysis illustrates how the economic framework can be used to analyse and address management problems. managers are interested in affecting the behaviour of individuals such as, employees, customers, and union leaders.
only money matters modelonly important component of the job is the level of monetary compensation
happy is productive modelhappy employees are more productive than unhappy employees. managers see as their goal the designing of the work environments that satisfy employees.
good citizen modelemployees have a strong personal desire to do a good job; they take prize in their work and want to excel.
product of the environment modelargues that the behaviour of individuals are largely determined by their upbringing.