What are Considered Factors in Flooding | -Simply anything that can Increase the Discharge of the River very Quickly, or that Allows the Rain to reach the River Faster |
What exactly is River Discharge? | -This is simply the Amount of Volume [River Water] there is Per Second.
-This is measured in m³/s |
What do Hydrographs exactly show? | -They simply show how the Discharge changes over the Course of a Flood |
In a Hydrograph, what is the:
1. Rising Limb
2. Lag Time
3. Peak Discharge
4. Falling Limb
5. Base Flow | 1. This is the Increase in River Discharge, as a result of Rainwater flowing in
2. This is the Period between the Peak Rainfall and the Peak Discharge
3. This is simply the Highest Amount of Discharge you will Ever Get
4. This is simply the Descend from the Peak Discharge to the Base Flow
5. This is simply the Discharge Normally, that's it |
What are the Physical Factors of Flooding Risk? | -If there is Lots of Rainfall, then it can be Too Quickly to be Absorbed which allows an Increase in Discharge
-Geology of some of the Rocks, like Granite and Shale, are Impermeable meaning it won't allow Filtrating
-Prolonged Rainfall can make the Soil Saturated, Decreasing the Filtrating Rate and Increasing the Surface Run off
-Relief [Lands Gradient] can also Affect it, as it affects the Velocity of the Water. Faster Velocity = Reaches the Channel Quicker |
What are the Human Factors affect the Flood Risk? | -How we use the Land, can Affect the Flood Risk
-Making the Buildings out of Impermeable Materials, and being Surrounded by Impermeable Materials greatly Increases the Surface Run off - Leading to an Increase in Discharge if it reaches the Channel
-Deforestation leads to a Higher Flood Risk due to the Trees using the Water around it for a Transpiration Stream |