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level: Module 1

Questions and Answers List

level questions: Module 1

The initial point of contact between a patient and the healthcare system Provides individuals with access to the information and resources they need for health optimal outcomesPrimary Care
Treatment of more sever conditions that require specialized knowledge & more intensive health monitoring.Secondary/Tertiary Care
To improve the health of the public by providing easy access to ___________Medical care
Also focuses on the whole individual or _______ rather than on the illness of a specific organ, system or disease.Holistic Approach
Aims to improve their entire ____________ by preventing or solving any health problems that may be present or potentially present.Health and Wellbeing
Presence of trust to maintain a ________ and get the most benefits from the primary care.Strong relationship
As the primary care practitioner is the _______ for the public into the health system.Point of Entry
Patients should feel _________ to discuss any __________ that they may be experiencingComfortable - Signs or symptoms
Patients should be ready to accept ____________Recommendations and advices
Each practitioner has a unique way of interacting with patients some individuals may try several __________ before finding one that they are happy and comfortable to work with on improving their health and wellbeingPhysicians
Education, water & sanitation, nutrition, maternal and child health, immunization, prevention of endemic disease, treatment, drug availabilityElements of Primary Health Care
Targeted not only towards preventing blindness and visual impairment, towards providing services to relieve ocular diseasesPrimary Eye Care
Eye health education Signs & symptoms identification Visual Acuity measurement Basic eye examinationComponents of Primary Eye Care
Getting eye power based on patient's responseSubjective Refraction
In this type of eye examination, the patient will not say anything.Objective Refraction
An estimated ________ people around the world suffer from vision impairment2.2 Billion
Leading causes of vision impairment are uncorrected ______________Uncorrected refractive errors and cataracts
Diseases such as diabetic retinopathy, glaucoma, and age-related macular degeneration are more common in these countries.High-income countries
Cataract is more common in these countries.Low-income countries
In high-income countries it is more likely to be ________Retinopathy of prematurity
Myopia, hyperopia, astigmatismUncorrected refractive errors
Lens opacity makes blurry vision, it develops through we ageCataract
Uncorrected refractive errors, cataract, age-related macular degeneration, glaucoma, diabetic retinopathy, corneal opacity, trachoma.Causes of Vision Impairment
Increase intraocular pressure, can cause fluid to build up which can damage the optic nerve which may lead to blindness due to the burst of blood vesselsGlaucoma
Normal pressure of the eye?15-21 mmHg
Type of corneal opacity which has very dense opacityLeukoma
Type of corneal opacity which is large enough to be seen.Macula
Type of corneal opacity which is very faintNebula
Poor water supply, where it may develop chlamydia tracomitis (bacteria)Trachoma
ICD stands for?International Classification of Disease
Presenting VA worse than 6/12 (20/40)Mild
Presenting VA worse than 3/60Blindness
Presenting VA worse than 6/60 (20/200)Severe
Presenting VA worse than 6/18 (20/80)Moderate
Presenting near visual acuity worse than N6 or N8 at 40cm with existing correctionNear Vision Impairment
US definition of Legal Blindness: VA of _______ or worse in the better eye (with best eye glass or contact lens correction)20/200
Visual field restricted to ________ or less in diameter in the better eye20 degrees
Refers to the function of the eye and can be measured with tests such as visual acuity, visual field, color, vision, and contrast sensitivity.Visual Impairment
BCVA stands forBest corrected visual acuity
What is visual acuity and visual field of the following: Low Vision or Visual Impairment20/70 - 20/400 with BCVA - 20 degrees or less
What is visual acuity and visual field of the following: Blindness20/400 or worse with BCVA - 10 degrees or less
What is visual acuity and visual field of the following: Legal Blindness20/200 or worse with BCVA - 20 degrees or less
More likely to be unemployed more likely to be involved in a motor vehicle collision more likely to suffer from depression or anxiety disorders morelikely to have a fall while walkingConsequences of Visual Impairment
Ophthalmologists/optometrists Ophthalmic clinical officers Ophthalmic nurses Optical techniciansCategories of Eye care workers: Fulltime eye care workers
General Practitioners (MD, General Physician) Clinical officers Nurses Midwives Environmental health techniciansCategories of Eye care workers: Integrated eye care workers
People who, in the course of their normal work, have close contact with the community, especially at village level. CHW (Community health workers) TBA (Traditional birth assistants) CBR volunteers (Child birth rehabilitation workers)Categories of Eye care workers: Community eye workers
Whose contribution and participation can enhance the blindness prevention activities include: School teachers Church/religious leaders Agriculture extension officers Water department officers Social welfare officersCategories of Eye care workers: Other non-medical personnel