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level: Level 1

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level questions: Level 1

annus, -i,year
ānser, anseris,goose
cēna, -ae, f.dinner, meal
coniunx, coniugis,husband or wife, spouse
crātēr, éris,bowl
custos, custodis,guardian, keeper
homo, -inis,man, human
mirāculum, -i,miracle
nômen, nominis,name
os, oris,mouth, face
praemium, -ii,reward
sacerdos, dotispriest (-ess)
sacrificium, -iisacrifice
frondeo, éreput out leaves
prehendo, ere, -hendi, hensumcatch, seize, grasp
timeo, ére, -uifear, be afraid of
vasto (1)destroy, lay waste
vivo, -ere, vixi, victumlive
impius, -a, -umwicked, impious
ipse, ipsa, ipsumself, himself, herself, itself, themselves,
iūstus, -a, -umjust, upright, true
receptus, -a, -umreceived
timidus, -a, -umtimid
inter + acc.between, among
sine + abl.without
amor, amoris,love
color, coloris, mcolor
corpus, corporis, n.body
flos, floris, mflower
flúmen, -inis, n.river
folium, -ii, n.leaf
fons, fontis, -ium, m.fountain, pool, spring
imágo, -inis, f.image
iuvenis, iuvenis, iuvenum (gen. pl.),c.Youth, young person
mons, montis, -ium, m.mountain
nox, noctis, -ium, f.night
potestās, -tätispower
pudor, óris, m.shame
ripa, -ае, of a river
soror, -õris, f.sister
spēlunca, -ae, f.cave
vigor, öris, m.liveliness, force, vigor
võx, vocis, f.voice
désistó, ere, -stiti, -stitumdesist, stop, leave off
dēvoro (1)consume, devour
humo (1)bury
noceo, ére, -ui, -itum + dat.harm
paro (1)prepare
pervideo, -ére, -vidi, -visumsee through, discern, realize
possum, posse, potuican, be able
puto (1)think
reporto (1)carry back, report
tango, ere, tetigi, tactumtouch
turbo (1)to disturb, to thow into confusion
albus, -a, -umwhite
alius, -ia, -iud (see Sec. 131)other, another
obscurus, -a, -umdark
vester, -tra, -trumyour (pl.)
adhucuntil now, up to this point
antequambefore, sooner than
forteby chance
nēmo, nēminem (acc.)no one
praeter + acc.except
pro + place of, before, for
pro + ablin place of, before, for
sui, sibi, sē, sē, reflexive pro.himself, herself, itself, themselves
úsque + far as
VOSyou (pl.)
aqua, -ae, f.water
arcus, m. (4th decl.)bow
arma, örum, n. pl.weapons, arms
ars, artis, -ium,, skill
caput, -itis, n.head
digitus, -i, m.finger
dolor, doloris, m.grief
dux, ducis, m.leader
hostis, hostis, -ium, m.enemy
laurus, -i, f.laurel tree
manus, f. (4th decl.)hand
medicina, -ae, f.medicine
mūsica, -aemusic
Osculum, -í, n.kiss
råmus, -i, m.branch, bough
sõl, sõlis, m.sun
tēlum, i, n.weapon, dart, missile
virgo, -inis, f.maiden, young woman
vulnus, eris, n.wound
cresco, -ere, crēvi, crētumincrease, grow
dico, -ere, dixi, dictumsay, speak
facio, facere, feci, factummake, do
figo, figere, fixi, fixumfasten, affix, transfix, pierce
fugo (1)put to fight
peto, -ere, petivi, petitumseek, ask
nescio, -ire, nescivi, nescitumnot know, be ignorant of
supero (1)overcome, conquer
acitus, -a, -umsharp
alter, era, erum; alter.the other; the one ....
contentus, -a, -umsatisfied
hic, haec, hocthis; he, she, it: the latter
ille, illa, illudthat; he, she, it; the former
obtusus, -a, -umdull, blunt
tuus, -a, -umyour (sing.)
is, ea, idhe, she, it
quodwhich, that