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level: Transport Across Cell Membranes

Questions and Answers List

level questions: Transport Across Cell Membranes

what is the function of the cell membranecontrols entry and exit of molecules to cells
the cell membrane is ____ _____selectively permeable
define "selectively permeable"it will only allow the passage of smaller, soluble molecules through the membrane
what does the cell membrane consist of?proteins phospholipids
what is A in this diagramProtein
what is B in this diagramPhospholipid
what is meant by bilayer?structure composed of two layers of molecules
where in the cell membrane will small molecules like oxygen, co2 and water go through?phospholipid bilayer
where in the membrane will large molecules like glucose go through?channel forming proteins so they can move through the membrane in a pore
what is the function of other proteins in the cell membrane?act as carriers to transport molecules and ions across the membrane
What is diffusion?the movement of molecules from a region of higher concentration of the molecule to a region of lower concentration
what kind of transport is diffusion an example of?passive transport
does diffusion require energy?no
what is a concentration gradient?different between two concentrations
which side has a high concentration?left
which side has a low concentrationright
looking at this diagram, which way will molecules travel during diffusionleft to right
during diffusion, in which direction do individual molecules moverandomly
what substances to cells requireglucose oxygen
why do substances require glucose and oxygenso they can release energy during aerobic respiration
what waste product to cells make during aerobic respirationcarbon dioxide
what must happen to waste products in cells in order for them to stay alivethey must diffuse out of cells
diffusion occurs with how many substances at a time?one only
what is osmosis?the movement of water molecules from a region of higher water concentration to a region of lower water concentration
what type of process is osmosis?passive process
does osmosis require energyno
what type of membrane does osmosis take place througha selectively permeable membrane
what happens when a soluble substance dissolves in water?its molecules spread out into the spaces between the water molecules
what must be present for osmosis to occur?a membrane
what is the size of soluble moleculessmall
what is the size of insoluble moleculeslarge
what is a solvent?a substance that is able to dissolve other substances
what is a solute?a substance that is dissolved in the solvent
what happens when a cell is placed in a substance with a higher salt and lower water concentration compared to the cellit will become plasmolysed
what happens when a cell is placed in a substance with a higher water but lower salt concentration compared to the cell?it will become turgid
what is active transportthe movement of ions and molecules through the cell membrane from a lower concentration of the ions/molecules to a higher concentration of the ions/molecules
what does active transport require?energy from atp