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level: Level 1 of Chp 21

Questions and Answers List

level questions: Level 1 of Chp 21

nà That
那裏nàlǐ There
那麼nàme So
那樣nàyàng that way
那樣nàyàng that way
na where
nǎi Milk
奶茶nǎichá milk tea
耐心nàixīn patience
南方nánfāng south
難怪nánguài No wonder
難看nánkàn ugly
năo brain
腦子năozi brain
鬧鐘nàozhōng Alarm clock
nèi Inside
內容nèiróng content
néng can
能夠nénggòu were able
能力nénglì ability
nián year
年代niándài Era
年齡niánlíng age
年年niánnián every year
念書niànshū study
農業nóngyè agriculture
女士nǚshì Miss
ō Oh
ó Oh
òu Oh
pāi shoot
pái Row
牌子páizi brand
盼望pànwàng hope
páng beside
péi accompany
培養péiyăng nourish
pèi match
配合pèihé Cooperate
pèng bump