level: Level 1 of Chp 29
Questions and Answers List
level questions: Level 1 of Chp 29
Question | Answer |
外婆 | wàipó grandmother |
外文 | wàiwén foreign language |
外語 | wàiyǔ foreign language |
完成 | wánchéng Finish |
完全 | wánquán completely |
玩具 | wánjù Toy |
晚 | wǎn Night |
萬一 | wànyī just in case |
網 | wăng network |
網路 | wănglù network |
往往 | wăngwăng often |
忘記 | wàngjì forget |
維持 | wéichí maintain |
微笑 | wéixiào Smile |
為主 | wéizhŭ main |
偉大 | wěidà great |
為 | wèi for |
未來 | wèilái future |
位置 | wèizhì Location |
位子 | wèizi seat |
溫柔 | wēnróu gentle |
文件 | wénjiàn document |
文學 | wénxué literature |
文字 | wénzì Word |
聞 | wén smell |
穩定 | wěndìng Stablize |
問好 | wènhăo say hello |
問候 | wènhòu greeting |
握手 | wòshǒu shake hands |
屋子 | wūzi room |
無 | wú none |
無法 | wúfă unable to |
無論如何 | wúlùnrúhé anyway |
無窮 | wúqióng endless |
無所謂 | wúsuŏwèi It doesn't matter |
誤會 | wùhuì Misunderstand |
物價 | wùjià price |
西北 | xīběi northwest |
西餐 | xīcān western food |
西方 | xīfāng The west |