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level: section 2 germany

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level questions: section 2 germany

when was the reichstag fire27 feb 1933
what was reichstag firecommunist van der lubbe thought to have set fire to the reichstag building
when was reichstag fire decree28 march 1933
what was the fire decreedecree which suspended the civil rights parts of the weimar constitution police + secret police had right to arrest people for any reason people could be held in captivity indefinitely
when was dachau openedmarch 1933
when was the enabling act24 march 1933
what was the enabling acthitler moved to take dictatorial powers asked the reichstag to pass a law which could give him the power to rule by decree
4 factors enabling nazi consolidation of powerterror propaganda gleichschaltung support of conservative elite
----- political opponents were imprisoned between ---- and ----100,000 1933 1934
what is gleichschaltungco-ordination
3 reasons for support for the regime- brought greater stability to the lives of many germans - unemployment fell and economic growth resumed by 1935 - propaganda was effective
in 1934 what % of the public endorsed Hitler taking over Hindenburg's remaining powers (plebiscite)90%
1936 ----- of the public supported the remilitarisation of the rhineland99%
name 4 opposition groupsedelweiss pirates swing youth catholic church white rose
when was the white rose movement1942
3 elements of the terror stateconcentration camps Gestapo no civil rights of freedom (fire decree)
in 1935 the prison population increased by ------ and ---- inmates were classed as political prisoners53,000 and 23,000
name 3 nazi policies (women)contraception advice was restricted and abortion banned women were restricted to only 10% of uni places loans could be obtained by married couples
when was the hitler youth formed and what year was it made compulsary1926 and 1939
how many people were still unemployed by 19338 million
when was the four year plan1936
what was the four year planGermany to be autarkic and self sufficient involved increased production in agriculture and raw materials to replace imports a massive expansion of armaments was planned
was the four year plan successfulpartially, massive rearmament in some areas huge expansion achieved but autarky not attained
name 3 failures of the war economystate remained chaotic labour shortages held the economy back shortages of raw materials such as coal and oil