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level: Level 5

Questions and Answers List

level questions: Level 5

to change something slightly so that it works better, fits better or is more suitableadjust
to build something by joining parts togetherassemble
to be arranged by putting different things togetherbe made up of
the flat, sharp, metal part of a knife, tool or weaponblade
a room where the people who control a company or organisation have meetingsboardroom
a glass object containing a wire which produces light from electricitybulb
a wire covered by plastic that carries electricity, telephone signals, etc.cable
to put electricity into somethingcharge
someone who uses special skill to make things, especially with their handscraftsman
to take something apart so that it is in several piecesdismantle
a pop-up menu: a list of choices on a computer screen which is hidden until you choose to look at itdrop down menu
to close or fix something together, or to become closed or fixed togetherfasten
a piece of office furniture with deep drawers for storing documentsfiling cabinet
to put or fix something in a particular placefit
a small piece of equipment that does a particular job, especially a new typegadget
items which are made to be soldgoods
the part of something that you use to hold it or open ithandle
a wire, wooden or plastic object for hanging clothes onhanger
a piece of equipment that you wear over your ears so that you can listen to music without anyone else hearing itheadphones
to be available in a shopin stock
to get stuck, or to make something get stuckjam
a curved piece of glass in cameras, glasses, and scientific equipment used for looking at thingslens
a flat piece of material on which you move the mouse of your computermouse mat
a tool for holding or pulling small things like nails, or for cutting wirepliers
a plastic or rubber object with metal pins, used to connect electrical equipment to an electricity supplyplug
to deal with a request for goods in an official wayprocess an order
to take something awayremove
a metal pin used to fasten pieces of metal togetherrivet
to use all of something so that there is none leftrun out
the part of a television or computer which shows images or writingscreen
a meeting of a group of people with a teacher or expert for training, discussion or study of a subjectseminar
a piece of furniture for holding thingsstand
a very strong metal made from iron, used for making knives, machines, etc.steel
If part of something sticks out, it comes out further than the edge or surface it is on.stick out
a small object that you push up or down with your finger to turn something electrical on or offswitch
a piece of equipment that you use with your hands in order to help you do somethingtool