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level: Properties Of Enzymes And Their Uses In Industry

Questions and Answers List

level questions: Properties Of Enzymes And Their Uses In Industry

What are some ways to speed up a reaction?heat it, stir it, increase concentration, smaller particle size, increase pressure
What does hydrogen peroxide turn into?water and oxygen
How would you make hydrogen peroxide speed up it's reaction?Add manganese dioxide or crushed grape cells
What is a catalyst?A chemical used to speed up a reaction but is itself not used up.
What is an enzyme?A biological catalyst
How did tangerine cells speed up the reaction of hydrogen peroxide?it acted as an enzyme
What enzyme is found in tangerine cells (and all other living cells) and speeds up the reaction of hydrogen peroxide?catalase
What does the suffix ase mean?it is an enzyme
Why are enzymes required?To speed up biological reactions without making them go too fast. They keep us alive.
What does it mean by enzymes are specific?enzymes are different and do different jobs
What is a degradation reaction?a breaking down reaction
What is a synthesis reaction?a building up reaction
Describe what happens in a degradation reaction?An enzyme takes a substrate in and makes an enzyme-substrate complex. At the end, you have an unchanged enzyme and the products
Describe what happens in a synthesis reaction?An enzyme takes in substrates and makes an enzyme-substrate complex. At the end, you have the unchanged enzyme and a product.
Do enzymes and their substrate(s) fit well together? What is the term to describe this?yes, perfectly - their shapes are complementary
How are enzymes specific?enzymes fit only one type of substrate therefore they can only catalyse one reaction
What are enzymes made of?proteins
Where are the instructions for making enzymes kept?in the DNA in the form of genes in the nucleus
What is the active site?The part of the enzyme that fits the shape of the substrate
What is the substrate and products of catalase?hydrogen peroxide, water and oxygen
What is the substrate and products of amylase?starch, maltose sugar
What is the substrate and products of pepsin?protein, peptides then amino acids
What is the substrate and products of trypsin?protein, peptides and amino acids
What is the substrate and products of phosphorylase?glucose-1-phosphate, starch
What is the substrate and products of lipase?fat, glycerol and fatty acids
What is different about phosphorylase compared to enzymes like catalase, amylase and pepsin?phosphorylase is a synthesis reaction - meaning it takes something small and builds it up rather than taking something big and braking it down
Describe how phosphorylase works in the growing of potatoes?potato plant leaves photosynthesise to create sugars, these sugars are transported to the roots, phosphorylase then turns the sugars into starchy potatoes