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level: [1] ASD 3

Questions and Answers List

level questions: [1] ASD 3

to build sand castlesconstruir castillos de arena
to dress updisfrazarse
to sleep with the light ondormir con la luz encendida
to go to kindergartenir a la guardería
to play hide and seekjugar al escondite inglés
to play tagjugar al pillapilla
to play with toysjugar con juguetes
to play with play-dohjugar con plastilina
to read comicsleer cómics
to jump ropesaltar a la comba
to be naughtyser travieso
to be a bookwormser un/a devora libros
to get on the swingssubir a los columpios
to climb the slidessubir a los toboganes
to climb treestrepar árboles
to fly kitesvolar cometas