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level: Reptiles

Questions and Answers List

level questions: Reptiles

Identify.Eastern spiny softshell turtle; Apalone spinifera
Identify.Common snapping turtle; Chelydra serpentina
Identify.Painted turtle; Chrysemys picta
Identify.Spotted turtle; Clemmys guttata
Identify.Wood turtle; Glyptemys insculpta
Identify.Blandings turtle; Emydoidea blandingii
Identify.Northern map turtle; Graptemys geographica
Identify.Eastern box turtle; Terrapene carolina
Identify.Five-lined skink; Eumeces fasciatus
Identify.Northern water snake; Nerodia sipedon
Identify.Common garter snake; Thamnophis sirtalis
Identify.Ribbon snake; Thamnophis sauritus
Identify.Brown snake; Storeria dekayi
Identify.Northern red-bellied snake; Storeria occipitomaculata
Identify.Smooth green snake; Opheodrys vernalis
Identify.Blue racer; Coluber constrictor
Identify.Black rat snake; Pantherophis alleghaniensis
Identify.Eastern milk snake; Lampropeltis triangulum
Identify.Northern ring-necked snake; Diadophis punctatus
Identify.Eastern hognose snake; Heterodon platirhinos
Identify.Eastern massasauga; Sistrurus catenatus