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level: Whistle Blowing

Questions and Answers List

Chapter 8

level questions: Whistle Blowing

Bowie + Duska propose what criteria concerning personal responsibility?- the extent of the need - the proximity of person (s) in need - the capacity to assist - others availability and likeliness to render assistance
What counts as genuine cases of whistleblowing- solid/serious issue with evidence - other less harmful options must be exercised and unavailable - it is in the publics best interest to know - blowing the whistle must solve the problem
Two considerations when going through criteria of whistle blowing- public interest must be threatened by a policy or procedure - employees have tried to fix the issue
What are the two types of whistle blowingInternal - which is reporting the issue through a different channel of authority but still within the organization. External - which is outside of the organization but reporting to a senior authority, and/or media exposure.
WhistleblowingMaking public matters that organizations have ignored or wish to keep hidden but which constitute a significant wrong or an immediate danger
Why does the culture of an organization matter with whistleblowingHierarchical cultures perceive loyalty in terms of silent compliance and disloyalty as overt criticism. If an organization encourages consultation, silence is viewed as disloyalty.
Negative AdvocacyWhen the attention is directed onto the whistle blower attacking their credibility to divert attention away from the issue being exposed
Consequences of blowing the whistle- Exposing injustice does not rid you from the potential adverse consequences - potential job loss, bankruptcy, marriage failure, murder, jail - the focus is directed onto the whistler blower while the attention is diverted away from the people keeping silent ~ scapegoating
What are some objections to whistle blowing- Cause distrust within the organization - Person may have a grudge against the organization - Not all whistleblowers have a moral motive - Person may not have all the information therefore resulting is negative consequences - The information exposed is owned by the company - Act breaks employees contact - The employee has a duty to report to superiors