level: Level 1 of German GCSE AQA: Detail words
Questions and Answers List
level questions: Level 1 of German GCSE AQA: Detail words
Question | Answer |
a pity | Schade |
a pity | Schade |
a pity | Schade |
a pity | Schade |
a pity | Schade |
a pity | Schade |
a pity | Schade |
a pity | Schade |
a pity | Schade |
a pity | Schade |
particularly | besonders |
almost | fast |
somewhere | irgendwo |
however | jedoch |
unfortunately | leider |
regularly | regelmäẞig |
quickly/fast | schnell |
slow/slowly | langsam |
immediately | sofort |
in transit/on the move | unterwegs |
perhaps | vielleicht |
probably | wahrscheinlich |
really | wirklich |
too | zu |
enough | genug |
therefore | deshalb |
afterwards | nachher |
beforehand | vorher |
firstly | zuerst |
until | bis |
so that | damit |
whilst/during | während |
at the beginning | am Anfang |
soon | bald |
early | früh |
today | heute |
still | immer noch |
not yet | noch nicht |
late | spät |
daily | täglich |
I don't care | das ist mir egal |
that's enough | das reicht |
it depends | das kommt darauf an |
of course | natüralich |
again | nochmal |
a pity | Schade |