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level: prokaryotes + viruses

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level questions: prokaryotes + viruses

bacteriasmall organisms enclosed by a capsule or slime layer typically chemotrophic and unicellular motile in two directions at one speed, cannot stop moving can form endospores under adverse conditions
motilecapable of motion
sporesinactive forms of cells capable of resisting heat, radiation and poisonous chemicals restore to vegetative form when returned to suitable surroundings for cell function some bacteria can survive in boiling water for several hours, during heat sterilisation boiling would be done under pressure to allow the temperature to reach over 120C
vegetative formnormal, functional cells
pilisingle strands of proteins in the cell membrane extending 10 mm out of the cell wall
flagella10-20 mm long and allows movement away from undesirable environments
aerobicrequire oxygen
anaerobicdo not require oxygen
uses of bacteriaenslaved by eukaryotes for energy in mitochondria and chloroplast generation used as a tool to understand genetics
shapesrod sphere spriral
virusesparasitic, non-living particles that are typically host specific protein coat with no cellular structure, metabolism, or reproduction reproduction occurs by invading a living host cell: metabolism of the host is redirected to replicate the viral genetic code and protein coat