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level: Ayurvedic & Oriental Medicine

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level questions: Ayurvedic & Oriental Medicine

A complete medical system that has been used to diagnose, treat and prevent illnesses for more than 2,000 years.Traditional Chinese Medicine / ORIENTAL MEDICINE
It is based on the belief that qi (the body's vital energy) flows along meridians (channels) in the body and keeps a person’s spiritual, emotional, mental, and physical health in balance.yin and yang
1 Traditional Chinese medicine has been use more than __ and becoming popular in recent years across the world. A unique system therapy to diagnose and cure the diseases. 2 __ are used in drug discovery, dietary and functional food elements1) 2000 years 2 Herbal medicine products
(TCM) Types of treatments1 Acupuncture 2 Moxibustion 3 Tui Na Massage 4 Cupping/Scraping 5 Chinese Herbs 6 Chinese Nutrition
TREATMENT AND USES 1 the practice of inserting needles into the superficial skin, subcutaneous tissue, and muscles at particular acupuncture points and manipulating them. 2) Used to treat:__1 Acupuncture 2 Headache Lower back pain Neck pain Osteoarthritis Knee pain Migraine
1 is a therapy that involves burning moxa (mugwort root) made from dried Artimesia vulgaris (spongy herb) to facilitate healing. 2 Used to treat:1 Moxibustion 2 -pain due to INJURIES or ARTHRITIS -DIGESTIVE PROBLEMS
1 Moxibustion if done with __, the effectivity will increase1 acupuncture
1 (a combination of massage, acupressure, and other forms of body manipulation) is a form of Asian bodywork therapy that has been used in China for centuries. 2 Used to treat:1 Tui na massage 2 best suited for treating chronic pain and musculoskeletal conditions.
1 In Tui na massage, Practitioners may use __ to enhance these techniques1 herbal compresses, ointments, and heat
1 is a method of creating a vacuum on the skin area above the affected area to relieve stagnation i.e. stagnant blood, lymph and chi. 2 Used to treat:1 Cupping and scraping 2 treat respiratory ailments such as the common cold, pneumonia, bronchitis, pain inflammation and blood flow
1 The substances TCM practitioners most commonly use can come from different leaves, roots, stems, flowers, and seeds of plants such as cinnamon bark, ginger, ginseng, licorice, and rhubarb. 2 the most broadly used substance for the broadest set of treatments1 Chinese herbs 2 Ginseng
1 In Chinese nutrition, a balanced diet is one that includes all 5 tastesspicy (warming) sour (cooling) bitter (cooling) sweet(strengthening) salty (cooling).
Oriental vs Western medicine1 Some of the methods Chinese medicine uses to correct imbalances and create harmony: diet therapy, acupuncture, massage, herbal remedies, Chinese exercise, and meditation 2 Western medicine often relies on pharmaceutical therapies to address health issues, while Chinese medicine relies on more natural substances.
1 Advantages of Traditional Chinese Medicine 2 Disadvantages of Traditional Chinese Medicine1 -prevent the diseases and pay attention to the health care. -Treatment will be done without using any drug. -a person’s energy (life force) can be increased and also energy can be easily moved into meridians and muscles 2 With acupuncture, you may still get bruising, bleeding, dizziness, fainting, puncturing of organs from wrongful insertion, etc.
1 The goal of treatment 2 Means "The Knowledge of Life" and is the ancient medical system of India, with history dating back well over 5000 years1 restore balance and flow of energy. 2 Ayurveda
1 Ayurveda works by assessing everybody on an individual level, according to their __ 2 It is called “ayurveda” because __1 -biological constitution (Prakriti) -Disease state (Vikriti) 2 tells us (vedayati) which substances, qualities, and actions are life enhancing and (aursuya) which are not.
1 is one of the world's oldest holistic (“whole-body”) healing systems.1 Ayurvedic medicine
1 Ayurvedic medicine main goal 2 is designed to reduce your symptoms and restore harmony and balance.1 promote good health, not fight disease. But treatments may be geared toward specific health problems. 2 panchakarma
1 To achieve "panchakarma" ayurvedic practitioner might rely on __1 blood purification, massage, medical oils, herbs, and enemas or laxatives.
Ayurveda Doshas1 Vata (Air + Ether) 2 Pitta (Water + Fire) 3 Kapha (Water + Earth)
AYURVEDA MEDICINAL APPROACH1 Preventive Medicine 2 Curative Medicine
1 Creates and maintains health and longevity of an individual by maintaining balance of a person's prakturi (or constitution) by creating daily and periodic regimens. diet and exercise, herbals, massage, meditation, and social behavior and positive relationships.1 Preventive Medicine
1 Treatment to cure the disease by one or combination of the following approaches: Detoxification Oil Treatment Surgical Method Mental and Spiritual Therapy Herbal TherapyCurative Medicine