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What is eschatology?The study in Christianity about what happens at the end of the world, including life and death.
What do Unitarians not believe in?They don't believe in the Trinity.
What do Unitarians not believe in?They don't believe in the Trinity.
What is a denomination?A smaller branch or group with its own traditions within Christianity.
What is ecumenism?When different sub-groups work together.
What is a census?A collection of data that shows how many people are in different religious groups.
When and where were basic beliefs of Christianity agreed upon.325 AD, Council of Nicaea.
What was The Great Schism in1052 AD?When Catholic and Orthodox Churches split over whether the pope has authority or not.
What and when was The Protestant Reformation?This was 1517, and there were protests against the Catholic Church by Martin Luther, about the belief that the Bible is the only source of authority.
What are some facts about Orthodox Christians?These Christians are very traditional. They don't believe that the pope has authority and want their church to be how it was in Jesus' time.
What are some facts about Protestants?These Christians are against Catholic beliefs and ignore the pope, believing only the Bible has authority. They believe in salvation through faith instead of sacraments, and have a relationship with God through the Trinity.
What are some facts Catholics?These Christians believe that the pope has the ultimate authority. Their power rests in the hierarchy and they listen to the popes words.
What are quakers?Pacifists with no sacraments.
What are Methodists?People who believe in personal salvation and social justice.
What do Calvinist Churches reject?They reject Catholic forms of worship and believe in predestination.
What do Unitarians not believe in?They don't believe in the Trinity.
What do Moramons believe?They believe that God is 3 different people.
What do Liberals want?They want the Church to change because they believe the Bible is a book written by man who are influenced by God.
What do Conservatives believe?They believe that the Bible is the word of God and wont accept any changes to their religious beliefs.
What are the features of the Trinity?The Father, The Son and The Holy Spirit.
What does The Father do?The Father creates the message.
What does The Son do?The Son spreads the message.
What does The Holy Spirit do?The Holy Spirit keeps the message alive.
What does monotheistic mean?Someone who believes that God is transcendent.
Where does the belief of the Trinity come from?It comes from the Nicene Creed.
What is the Nicene Creed?An agreement on basic Christian Beliefs in the Council of Nicea, 325 AD. It means 'I believe' in Latin.
What do Jehovah's Witnesses believe?They believe that Jehovah is the only God, and Jesus was created by Him, meaning he's inferior.
What do Unitarians believe?They believe that there is only 1 God, and that Jesus was a man whose teachings and life gave him moral authority, but no divinity.
B) Explain 2 ways The Trinity is shown in belief and worship.One way The Trinity is shown in worship is when Christians cross themselves weekly. This resembles the Trinity because its the Nicene Creed showing The Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Another way The Trinity is shown is by Orthodox Christians, who believe that God is the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. MORE ANSWERS - It may be shown in Baptism or Christian marriages when they bless you in The Holy Spirit or Trinity.
C) Explain why The Trinity is important to Christians.A reason as to why it might be important to Christians because it helped to bring them together in the Council of Nicea meeting in 325 AD, uniting them. Another reason is because it shows the oneness of God. It helps them to understand him and it's found in the Bible since its the foundation of their beliefs.
What is creationism?The belief that the world was created in 6 days and that Genesis is the literal account of how the beginning was.
What is stewardship?Looking after the world for future generations.
What is freewill?Having the freedom to do what you want to do.
A) Outline 3 Christian beliefs about the Trinity.One belief is that The Trinity is believed to be 3 aspects of 1 God, another belief is that The Father creates the message and a last belief is that The Son spreads the message. MORE ANSWERS - Another belief is that The Holy Spirit keeps the message alive.
What is incarnation?The idea that God descended to earth as flesh, Jesus Christ.
What is hypostatic union?A term used to describe the union between Jesus and man.
What does the Bible say the reason for incarnation was?The Bible teaches us that The Son came down amount people to restore our relationship with God, which was destroyed after The Fall.
What was The Fall?When Adam and Eve were banished from the Garden of Eden because they ate from the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil, its also known as the Original Sin.
What are gosphels?These are books in the Bible. It means 'good news' and the 4 gosphels are Matthew, Mark, Luke and John.
Why was the virgin birth of Jesus important?It shows us that Jesus was the son of God and was made from the Holy Spirit.
What account does the gosphel Matthew tell us about Jesus' incarnation?SOA - It tells us how Mary became pregnant and how Joseph was told by an angel that he was going to have a baby of the Holy Spirit.
What account does the gosphel Luke tell us about Jesus' incarnation?SOA - It tells us how angel Gabriel tells Mary she will have a baby conceived of the Holy Spirit.
What account does the gosphel John tell us about Jesus' incarnation?SOA - It records incarnation in a theological way instead of a story.
What tells us that Jesus was a man?'Jesus died' - Romans. 'Jesus was born a baby to a human mother' - Luke. 'Jesus expressed human emotions like amazement' - Matthew - 'and sorrow' - John. 'Jesus has a human body' - Luke. 'Jesus worshipped and prayed to God' - John.
What tells us that Jesus was divine?'Jesus is omnipotent, all powerful' - Matthew 'and omniscient, all knowing' - John. 'Jesus is in "his very nature" God' - Philippines. 'Jesus was resurrected' - Mark. 'Jesus forgave sins, something only God can do' - Mark. 'Jesus was without sin, only God is perfectly good' - Peter. 'Jesus was worshipped and prayed to' - Matthew. 'Jesus performed many miracles, too many to be recorded' - John.
What was the passion?The last days of Jesus' life. It means suffering in latin.
What was the Holy Week?The days in the Christian calendar, leading up to Jesus' resurrection.
What is ascention?Going up to heaven.
What are sacraments?An event or occasion where a blessing from God is being received. E.g. marriage or baptism.
What is blasphemy?Insulting or disrespecting God.
What is atonement?The restoration of a relationship between man and God.
What is grace?Undeserving love.
What does it mean to repent?To say sorry for or turning away from something (sins).
What is salvation?Being saved from sin and going to heaven. E.g. being baptised, repenting sin, accepting Jesus as saviour, doing goods work or attending Church and sacraments.
What is a doctrine?An idea.
What is the doctrine of The Fall?The idea that Adam and Eve fell from paradise after they ate from the forbidden tree, causing suffering and sin to come into the world.
What is the Ransom theory?The theory that God paid a ransom to the devil, and to release humanity from sin, Jesus was the ransom and crucified.
What is the Penal Substitution theory?The theory that humanity needed to be punished, and Jesus took the punishment instead of humanity.
What is the Moral Change theory?The theory that everything Jesus did was to tach us how we should act towards each other so we can atone ourselves. 'Love thy neighbour as thy self'.
What is the Jesus is the new Adam belief?The belief that Jesus' obedience restored our relationship with God, after it was lost because of Adam.
C) Explain two ways Christians can receive salvation.Christians can receive salvation by being baptised. This counts as salvation because by being submerged in Holy Water, it cleanses you of you sins. This helps you enter heaven because it was practised in the Bible by John the Baptist. You can also receive salvation by reciting the Nicene Creed and going to Church This is because you are accepting the Lord as saviour, which asks for forgiveness.
What is eschatology?The study in Christianity about what happens at the end of the world, including life and death.
What is the last judgement?When people face another judgement because they refuse salvation. It's also called the Second Coming.
What do Christians believe about the soul?It has a purpose and will be raised and judged after death, living on in Heaven or Hell.
What is the immortality of the soul?The belief that the soul lives on after the body dies.
Why do people believe in the immortality of the soul?Because Jesus lived on after the ascension. Jesus told the thief that he'd go to paradise after getting crucified. Abraham and Moses could communicate with God.
Why is the Last Supper and to the Ascension important to Christians?It's the basis of the Eucharist. Jesus' death on the cross brought us salvation. The resurrection shows us that death is not the end of life. The ascension shows us that Heaven is awaiting us and that Christ is powerful.
Explain 2 reasons as to why life after death is important to Christians. (4 marks)One reason why life after death is important is because it reunites us with God. This is a major factor because the whole religion is based on Christ. Another reason is because it gives us morals to live up to. This is because Christians would try to be better people and follow the teachings of the Bible so that they can have eternal life.
What is the problem of evil?If there is a God that is omnipotent and omnibenevolent, why is there still suffering?
What is the triangle (from the problem of evil) also called?The inconsistent triad, wrong triangle or incomplete triangle.
What is the theodicy, The devil? As a response to the problem of evil?The devil brings people away from God, and he causes evil and suffering into the world.
What is the theodicy, Bringing us Closer to God? As a response to the problem of evil?Irenaeus, a Christian Bishop and Philosopher, believes that it helps us to grow into the likeness of God.
What is the theodicy, The Fall? As a response to the problem of evil?Because Adam and evil disobeyed God, evil, suffering and sin were brought into the world.
What is the theodicy, The story of Job? As a response to the problem of evil?We need to stay faithful to God despite suffering, since its a test. We will then be rewarded with everything like Job in the Bible.
What is the theodicy, Soulmaking? As a response to the problem of evil?John Hick, a philosopher, says we are created uncompleted and evil is put into the world so we can develop.
What does the Bible say about the problem of evil?It's a part of life and God's plan, humans can't understand His reasons, but we will be rewarded. We can pray about the pain caused by the devil.
What is the Augustinian theory?Because of the Original Sin, we misuse evil and cause suffering.
What is liturgical worship?A formal and public worship with a set order, rules and prayers.
What is non-liturgical worship?Informal worship, where you just go with the flow. You may have silent prater, or you may express yourself the way the Holy Spirit is telling you to.
Explain two features of liturgical worship. (4 marks)Priests may have set prayers like the Nicene Creed. They will recite this every service to maintain traditions of early Christians. They may also perform sacraments like Baptism or Eucharist. This is because they want to follow certain ceremonies that may have taken place in the Bible.
Explain 2 reasons as to why Christians may prefer non-liturgical worship. (5 marks)In the Bible, the Holy SPirit is here to inspire us, meaning we are free to experience God as you please. In liturgical worship, you may not be able to. Christians may also want to worship and praise God expressively, or silently, in liturgical worship, you have ti follow set worships and prayers, which may be seen as suppressing you.
What is a sacrament?Outward physical signs, of inward physical blessings.