level: Food
Questions and Answers List
level questions: Food
Question | Answer |
Frango | Chicken |
Peixe | Fish |
Leite | Milk |
Maçã | apple |
Laranja | Orange |
Vegetariana / vegetariano | Vegetarian/vegetarian |
Vegano | Vegan |
Carne | Meat |
Glúten | Gluten |
Intolerante a glúten | Gluten intolerant |
Intolerante á lactóse | Lactose intolerant |
Amendoim | Peanut |
Nozes | Nuts |
Cebola | Onion |
Arroz | Rice |
Batata fritas | French Fries |
Atum | Tuna fish |
Salada | Salad |
Queijo | Cheese |
Mista | Mixed (usually referring to mixed meats or cheese+ham) |