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level: Think Tanks, Lobbyists and Corporations {4}

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level questions: Think Tanks, Lobbyists and Corporations {4}

What is a Think Tank?-Body of Experts that are brought Together to offer Solutions to Economic, Social and Political Problems
Give an Example of a 1. Non-Partisan Think Tank 2. ‘Left Wing’ Think Tank 3. ‘Right Wing’ Think Tank (EX)1. ResPublica focuses on General Policy Issues. Chatha House prioritises International Affairs 2. Fabian Society deals with Issues concerning Social Justice and Equality. Institute for Public Policy Research [IPPR] researches and develops Centre-Left Policy Ideas 3. Adam Smith Institute which cares for Free Market Solutions to Economic Problems. Centre for Policy Studies promotes Ideas that was Popular during Thatcher’s Times
What are Lobbyists?-Professions who are Paid to Persuade Decision Makers to Favour a Group or Cause. -May be Individuals or Firms, so are Employed by them, like Animal Aid, Trade Unions and Foreign Governments.
What are Corporations-Large Company / Group of Companies that operate as Single Entity. -The Corporations Wealth may be so Large and Important to the UK Economy that Ignoring them may not be a Choice.
How do Think Thanks have Influence, but are Limited? (EX)-Centre for Social Justice very much Impacted the Coalition Government’s Welfare Reforms, leading to Introduction of Universal Credit -However, Think Tanks are usually Aligned to a Party - Adam Smith Foundation may have little Influence when Labour is in Chagre
How do Lobbyists have Influence, but are Limited? (EX)-Lobby Firms spend £2 Bil every Year to Influence Decision Making, and Employ 4K -Concerns have been Raised that Influence has been Bought. -However, MPs has Rules Limiting them to Accept Money from Lobbyists that aim for the MP to Agree with Lobbyists Viewpoints - Must be Registered in Electorate Commission
How do Corporations have Influence, but are Limited? (EX)-Corporations Donate to Parties Campaigns and also Fund Think Tanks - Links to Concern of Influence being Bought - 1/5 Conservative Donations came from Corporations in 2019 Election -However, Corporations don’t get Everything they want. Most Large Corporations Opposed Brexit.
Give Exam Tip concerning about Think Tanks, Lobbyists and Corporations-If the Question cares for Think Tanks and Lobbyists, only Focus on them 2 and not Corporations and Pressure Groups -Helpful to Repeat Woods in Question in Every Paragraph to keep the Answer Relevant. ‘Point is Relevant to Question because…’