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level: The Development of Rights in the United Kingdom {6}

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level questions: The Development of Rights in the United Kingdom {6}

What did the Magna Carta lead too?-Issued in 1215, the Magna Carta had Limited the King’s Power and Sought to Prevent Government Exploiting its Power -It had started off to Protect Barons against a Powerful King, but now is Symbolic of the Rights of People to be free from a Government acting Beyond its Given Powers
What are Common Law?-These are Laws that have gone through Development of many Centuries. They are Rights which are Recognised and Enforced. -They are Confirmed via Judicial Precedent - Judgements made in Court. -Example: Equal Treatment under the Law, Habeas Corpus [Freedom from Imprisonment without Fair Trial]
What are Statutes?-These are Parliamentary Law that Guarantee Rights -Example the Freedom of Information [FOI] 2000 allows Right to access Official Information
What is the Human Rights Act? Is it Controlled by the EU?-This allows the European Convention on Human Rights into British Law. Wide Range of Rights and Freedoms are Guaranteed. -The ECHR is NOT controlled by the EU, but instead, the Council of Europe and the European Court of Human Rights, which has Naught to do with the EU and so after Brexit the ECHR will still be Maintained in Britain
What is the Equalities Act of 2010?-Law Protects People against Discrimination in Workplace and Wider Society, Specifically on Age, Disability, Gender, Martial Status, Race, Religion, Sex and Sexual Orientation.
Give Ways and Examples that Rights in UK are Strongly Protected (EX)-Strong Common Law Condition in UK - Rights to a Fair Trail are Strictly abided by in the UK -UK Subject to the ECHR, which, for examples, has Ruled that Prisoners in UK should have Right to Vote -Judiciary has Reputation of being Independent of Political Bias and Upholds the Rule, even when against Parliament and Government. April 2016 saw Judges overturn Government plans to Deny Legal Aid to people who haven’t Lived in the UK for 12 Months Straight.
Give Ways and Examples that Rights in the UK are Not as Strongly Protected (EX)-Common law may be Vague and Argued over - and set aside from Statutes. Government brung about Internment Imprisonment without trail to supposed Terrorists in 1970s to NI -Parliament is Sovereign and so can Ignore the ECHR, which is why Prisoners in UK can’t Vote despite the ECHR court Ruling the Opposite -Pressure on Government from Terrorism to Curtail Rights due to National Security. Right to Privacy, Association, Expression and Freedom all under Attack. 2016 saw Conservatives pass the Investigatory Powers Act which allows Government to Monitor the Online Activity of its Citizens - Breach of Freedom to Privacy?
What are Individual Rights?-Rights belonging to a Person despite their Person Characteristics. -Apply to ALL Individuals despite Race, Religion or Gender. ALL
What are Collective Rights?-Rights belonging to a Group that may Share a Characteristic or Organisation. Gay Rights, Workers Rights.. Gay Worker Rights..
Name some Individual Rights-Freedom of Expression -Right to Privacy -Right of Association & Free Movement [Demonstrate] -Right to Strike for Pay and Employment Rights
Name some Collective Rights-Right of Minority Groups not be Target of Hate Speeches -Right of Community being Protected by Terrorism by Security Services listening on Private Communications -Right of the Press to Report on Matters of Public Interest -Right of Community to Their Own Freedom of Movement -Right of Community to expect Good Service from Public Servants who are Paid from Taxation
How may Individual and Collective Rights Conflict with each other?-Freedom of Expression may Conflict with Minority Groups not be Subjected by Hate Speeches - Not Entirely Free to Express? -Individual Right to Privacy Conflicting with the Press's Right to Report on Matters of Public Interest - Paparazzi vs Celebrities Privacy -The Right to Strike may conflict with how the Community expects Good Service from Public Servants paid via Taxation - Striking won't give the Community [Consumers] anything but hardship. If Police Strikes then Community Right to expect Safety also is Violated.
What was the Ashers Bakery Study and what does this Show? (EX)-2018 October saw the UK Supreme Court Rule that a Baker could not be Forced to write 'Support Gay Marriage' on a Cake, which was asked by a Customer for a Same-Sex Wedding. -The Supreme Court doing so led to the Uphold of the Individual Right of the Baker to their Freedom of Conscience [Not be Compelled to do something they didn't Believe] but this harmed the LGBTQ+ Community for Equal Access to the Service - Buying a Cake.
What is Liberty, and how has it been Limited in Success, but Not? (EX)-Liberty is a Major Campaigner and a Think Tank that try's to Limit Government Power and Uphold Citizens Rights. -They Successfully managed to stop Police Facial Recognition which Violated People's Protection and Privacy. -But they have been Rather Unsuccessful when trying to Influence and Critic UK Government Restrictive Immigration Policies.
What is Unlock Democracy, and how has it been Limited in Success, but Not? (EX)-Cares for Constitutional Reform, and for Protecting Rights via a Codified Constitutional with a Bill of Rights -But they have Limited in Success due to how low down Constitutional Issues are in both Major Political Parties -But have been Successful in its Campaigning in having Votes at 6 - Scotland in 2015 & Wales in 2021 have allowed 16 yr olds to Vote in their Elections, not General however
What is Amnesty International, and how has it been Limited in Success, but Not? (EX)-Looks into Human Rights abuse across the Globe. In UK, it has intervened in Campaigns for Rights of those in Care homes during Covid, and protecting Wind-rush Victims -They need Government to admit they are Wrong and to change their own policies, so its Unlikely. Only a few Victims from the Windrush Scandal had compensation. -However they managed to have the UK take in 5K more Syrian Refugees in 2020, as a fight for better Refugee Rights and Status