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level: Public Goods

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level questions: Public Goods

What is a Non-Excludability good?-This is when People can’t be Stopped from Consumption of the Good - even if they haven’t Paid for it. Individuals will Benefit from the Flood Defences [Example of Public Good] even if they didn’t Pay for it, or Build it.
What is a Non-Rivalry/Diminishability good?-If one person Benefits from a Good, it is not to say the Others benefiting just as Much. Flood Defences benefitting more People will not have an effect to the Benefit of the First Person [Basically Everyone Benefits the same Amount] -This means also that the Good has no Marginal Cost - No Additional Cost to Extend the Good to 1 More Person
Give some Examples of Public Goods-Firework Displays. Fireworks are Non-Excludable - People can see the Fireworks and can’t really be Stopped for such and People can all enjoy Equally. No Cost if 1 More Person watched the Firework Display. -Street Lights. Everyone can ‘Consume’ [See the Road] the Street Light and not be stopped and more People ‘Consuming’ the Street Light will not Diminish the Benefit or Availability for others
What are Private Goods? Use Biscuits as an Example-These are Goods that are Excludable - you can Stop someone Consuming them - and also Rivalry. -If someone eats a Biscuit - that means non one else can eat it - there is a Marginal Cost.
What are Non-Pure, or Quasi Public Goods?-These are Goods that have some Characteristics of a Public Good, but not all.
Use Roads and explain why its a Quasi Public Good-Roads are often Free for Usage [Non-Excludable] and 1 Person using the Road doesn’t Diminish the Benefit or Availability for Others using it too [Non-Rivalry] -However, Tolls can make it Excludable by Pushing away those who Don’t want to Pay to use the Road. -Congestion will make Roads have Rivalry Characteristic as then a Limit will be in Place to the Number of People who can be at the Road at any one Time
What is the Free Rider Problem? Why is this a Problem for the Price Mechanism and the Free Market? -Who will have to Intervene?-When the Public Good is Dished out, it is Impossible, due to its Non-Excludable trait, to stop People from Benefitting from the Good, even if they did Naught -Consumers therefore won't Pay for a Public Good that they can get for Free because other Consumers have paid for it -If People decide to Wait for someone to Provide and Pay for the Public Good Provision, then Nothing will Happen -Making a Price for the Public Good is Hard, as Consumers, to get a Low Price, will Undervalue, and Firms will Overvalue [High Price] -Overall, this means the Government must Intervene to Provide
Why can the Free Rider Problem extend into the Environment? Use Air as an Example-Air is a Public Good - Non-Excludable and Non-Rivalry -Clean & Dirty Air will Cost the Same [Nothing] so making Clean Air Scarce won't Rise its Price up and Deter People from 'Usage' -This means the Benefits of not Polluting the Air, or Cleaning the Air, will not be Restricted to those who 'Paid' for the Clean Air [Non-Diminishing] so in a Free Market, its Rare to see that Happen
What does 'Tragedy of the Commons' Mean?-An Idea that says People, acting in a Maximising Behaviour, will Overuse a Common Resource without caring for the Depletion of the Resource, or the Degradation
What can the Government do to try and Combat the Misuse of the Environment due to the 'Tragedy of the Commons'-Simple. Governments can go via Taxation [for Polluting air eg] Subsides [To Carbon Capture and Eco Friendly Firms] Legislation or Government Spending [National Parks?]