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level: Phrases

Questions and Answers List

level questions: Phrases

it shocks me thatme choca que
as far as I knowque yo sepa
I assume thatsupongo que
it interests me thatme interesa que
the way I see ittal y como yo lo veo
in my opiniona mi juicio
from my point of viewa mi modo de ver
I believe thatcreo que
I think thatpienso que
on the one handpor un lado
on the other handpor otro lado
if it was possiblesi fuera posible
if I was richsi fuera rico/a
when I'm oldercuando sea mayor
when I was littlecuando era pequeño/a
firstlyen primer lugar
as an example of thiscomo ejemplo de esto
to continuepara seguir
to give an examplepongamos un ejemplo
thirdlyen tercer lugar
it seems to meme parecer que
one could say thatse puede decir que
as an example of what I saycomo ejemplo de lo que digo
on the wholeen conjunto