level: Level 1
Questions and Answers List
level questions: Level 1
Question | Answer |
types of tissues | epithelial, connective, muscles, nerves |
simple squamous epithelium | skin, blood vessels, lungs, heart, mouth |
stratified squamous epithelium | outer most layer of skin |
simple columnar epithelium | stomach and intestine |
simple cuboidal epithelium | kidney |
compact bone | know osteocyte, lacuna, haversian canal |
cartilage | know Lacuna, Chondrocyte, extracellular matrix |
elastic connective tissue | --- |
blood smear | RBC v WBC |
adipose | Nuclei, fat droplets, cell membrane |
tendon | know fibrocyte |
cardiac muscle | Intercalated disks, nuclei |
skeletal muscle | Sarcomeres, nuclei |
smooth muscle | nuclei |
motor nerve ending | Axon, nerve endings, synapse, muscle |
columar words | villi and microvilli |
compact bone words | Osteocyte, haversian canal |
cartilage words | Chondrocyte |
tendon words | fibrocyte |
adipose words | fat droplets |
cardiac words | Intercalated disks |
skeletal words | Sarcomeres |