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level: Level 1

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level questions: Level 1

Are Microorganisms that thrive in acidic environments where ph level is less than 3Acidophile
relatively short term severe illness caused by a organismacute infection
an organism (such as a bacterium) that lives only in the presence of oxygenAerobe
Cause clumpingAgglutination
widespread inhabitants of fresh and marine waterAlgae
An organism that does not require oxygen for growthAnaerobic
are highly specific immune chemicals released by the body to attack certain antigens that are seen as foreign by the immune systemAntibody
a substance that provokes an immune response in specific lymphocytesAntigen
Process of inhibiting the growth and multiplication of microorganismAntisepsis
is a method of handling bacterial cultures that prevents the introduction of unwanted organisms into the environment and/or into the culture being handledaseptic(free of contamination) technique
plant capable of synthesizing its own food from simple organic substancesautotroph
rod-shaped bacterium that is characterized by its elongated, cylindrical shape. Bacilli can be found in a variety of environments, including soil, water, and the human body.bacilli
a virus that is parasitic (reproduces itself) in bacteriabacteriophage
antibiotics inhibit growth and reproductions of bacteria without killing them or agents prevent the growth of bacteria.. (keeps them in the stationary phase of growth)Bacteriostatic
heat from swellingCalor
Protein shell of a virusCapsid
ChemotaxisMovement in response to chemical signals
a discrete mound or group of cell of cells formed on solid nutrient surfacecolony
compete for the site on the enzyme where folate would bindcompetitive inhibition
form of genetic exchange between two cellsconjugation
Microbiological contamination refers to the accidental introduction of infectious material like bacteria, yeast, mold, fungicontamination
- dormant, resting stage, formed when conditions become unfavorable for growth and feeding, important factor in spread of diseasecyst
is an organism, such as a bacterium or fungus, that feeds on and breaks down dead plant or animal matterdecomposers
- take away or alter the natural qualities ofdenature
a staining procedure using more than one dyedifferential stain
passive movement of molecules or particles along a concentration gradient from high to low concentrationDiffusion
some fungi can take either formDimorphic-
eliminates many or all pathogenic microorganism on inanimate objectsDisinfection
(of a disease) regularly occurring within an area or communityendemic
the takin in or matter by a living cell by imagination of its membrane to form a vacuoleEndocytosis
-are formed by bacteria to enable them to survive harsh conditionsendospore
- only released when cell dies . comes from within the bacterial cellendotoxin
contains complex organic substance(i.e. Blood, serum) that fastidious bacteria require for growthenriched media
-when the newly reported cases are higher than normalepidemic
are organisms with cells containing a nucleus and other membrane-bound organelles, with complex structures, including a cytoskeleton and multiple linear chromosomes. They can be unicellular or multicellular, including plants, animals, fungi, and protists.eukaryote
organism that thrives in extreme environments under high pressure and temperatureextremophile
can grow with or without oxygenfacultative anaerobe
refers to microorganisms that have complex nutritional requirements and are difficult to grow in laboratory conditions. These organisms may require specific growth factors, certain pH levels, or a particular temperature range to survive and thrivefastidious
inanimate objects that harbor microorganismsFomite-
- a unit of heredity that is transferred from parent to offspring and its held to determine some characteristicgene
a haploid set of chromosome in a gamete or microorganism or in each cell of a multicellular organismgenome
is a salt requiring organism able to grow n a medium containing a salt (saline)concentration high enough to inhibit the growth of other organismshalophiles
are a diverse group of parasitic worms that can infect humans and animals. They include roundworms, tapeworms, flukes, and other species.Helminth
an organism getting its nutritional requirements from eating other plants or animals(organic substance)Heterotroph
long, threadlike cells found in filamentous fungi or moldsHyphae
a number of new cases–same as morbidityincidence rate-
sequence of a eukaryotic gene's DNA that is not translated into a proteinintron
the beginning phase, Organism that do not increase significant in numbers but are metabolically active growing in sizelag phase
lying dormant or hidden until circumstances are suitable for development or manifestation.latent
This phase of bacterial growth is exponential and we see increase populationlog phase
freeze drying.. Not a method of sterilization of drying process where the solvent h20 is frozen then removed by sublimationLyophilization-
-----------are the structural and energy-giving caloric components of our foods that most of us are familiar with. They include carbohydrates, fats and proteins. -------- are the vitamins, minerals, trace elements, phytochemicals, and antioxidants that are essential for good health.macro and micro
an organism that grows best in moderate temperature, neither too hot nor too coldmesophile
an organism that can only be seen through a microscopeMicroorganism
a container that holds two or more identified, easily differentiated species of microorganismsmixed culture
being diseased or having a specific health condition. It is often used to describe the incidence or prevalence of a disease or health condition within a population.mobility
being dead or the number of deaths that occur within a population. It is often used to describe the death rate associated with a particular disease or health conditionmortality
messenger, a transcript of a structural gene or genes in the DNA, synthesized in a process similar to synthesis of the leading strand during DNA replication , composed of codonsMRNA
contains sequences of bases that form hydrogen bonds with complementary sections of the same trna strand, carries the amino acid to site of translationTrna-
becomes part of the ribosome, ribosomes provides site for tRNA and mRNA to join an bond amino acids together, long polynucleotide molecule, formed complex three dimensional shapes that contribute to the structure and function of ribosomes, the interaction of rRNA and protein create the two subunits of the ribosome that engage in final translation of the genetic coderRNA
occurs when a DNA gene is damaged or changed in such a way as to alter the genetic message carried by that geNEMutation
an organism that lives in and derives its nourishment from organic matter in no living or decayed mattersaprobe
the lowest amount of the drug that will be effective at stoping your infection.MIC